Yuva (Youth), originally titled Howrah Bridge, is an Indian political drama film directed by Mani Ratnam and released in 2004. The film was simultaneously shot in Tamil as Aaytha Ezhuthu and in Hindi, and is based on the storyline of students entering politics.
The film tells the stories of three young men from completely different strata of society and how one fateful incident on Kolkata's Howrah Bridge which changes their lives forever. The narrative of the story is partially in hyperlink format.
Yuva (disambiguation)
Yuva is a 2004 Indian political film.
Yuva may also refer to:
- Yuva, Aksaray, a village in the district of Aksaray, Aksaray Province, Turkey
- Yuva, Bolu, a village in the district of Bolu, Bolu Province, Turkey
- Yuva, Çubuk, a village in the district of Çubuk, Ankara Province, Turkey
- The former name of Shahumyan, Ararat, a town in Ararat Province, Armenia