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n. (plural of yurt English)

Usage examples of "yurts".

There were no permanent buildings, only domelike yurts of white and black spread out in the shallow bowl of a valley.

Judging by the dirty exteriors, Koja doubted the yurts were bright and cheery inside.

Beyond the fence Koja saw five large yurts, bigger than any he had passed.

The squat yurts of Quaraband stretched out below in a rough oval, following the course of river.

I rode for three weeks, but I did not hurry and stopped many days in the yurts of my cousins along the way.

They walked through the icy mud, out the gate, and past yurts until they reached the horse pens outside the capital.

Throughout the day, yurts disappeared from the valley as preparations were made to move out.

A few yurts were standing here and there, tents of the khans, but the bulk of the army simply slept under the stars.

The yurts filled the narrow valley floor, and dotted among the tents were herds of horses.

Otherwise they just dismantled the yurts like tents and carried them folded up.

The yurts, mud-colored, weather-beaten and rounded, looked more like eroded boulders than anything made by humans.

For the next forty days wife and corpse would go around the yurts, feasting as if he were alive.

She leads me into one of the yurts where an open hearth fire is being prepared by a kneeling shaman-type with a rawhide bow and drill.

Tents and yurts of the Senan, Gilk, Ahkrata and Barahn tribesas well as many otherscovered the valley floor.

Encamped on the hills a third of a league away were the Barghast, the yurts and tents sparsely patrolled by a modest rearguard.