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vb. (context often used pejoratively English) To redevelop (an urban area or commercial premises) so as to attract affluent young professionals as residents or clientele.

Usage examples of "yuppify".

The southern border of the Park Slope section of Brooklyn, Fifth Avenue was an uneasy DMZ between the yuppified neighborhood to the north and the working class--or out-of-working class--neighborhood to the south.

With people starving around the world and the working poor standing with their families in soup kitchen lines, did she have any right to complain about a dead-end life if it was such a comfortable, yuppified dead end?

On the southeastern fringe of Capitol Hill, just beyond the boundary between the yuppified zone and the ghetto, a tour bus made a difficult turn into a narrow alley running through the center of a block.

Most of it positively yuppified, except for the odd pocket of squalor like the warehouse.

My pad was not in that part of Kreuzberg that is slowly being yuppified with smart little eating places, and apartment blocks with newly painted front doors that ask you who you are when you press the bell push.

Capitol Hill, just beyond the boundary between the yuppified zone and the ghetto, a tour bus made a difficult turn into a narrow alley running through the center of a block.

Someone like Ralph, with all the appropriate yuppified attributes, had never done anything more illegal than cheating on his taxes or pilfering from the office.

He figured that he looked like just another Yuppified traveler at the crowded train station.

The house was a perfectly yuppified weekend place, a modern Aframe with enormous windows looking out on the mountains.

She had promptly bought herself a new home, free from all past associations, in a newly renovated block in the heart of the Merchant City, the yuppified district in the city centre where property developers were busily cashing in on the aspirations of the suddenly rich.

Like Siamese twins joined at the canal, the rolling hills and yuppified subdivisions of the upstate region are at constant odds with the bucolic flat lands and Mayberry-esque towns down state.

Christmas seemed cheap and depressingly pointless to him this year, its practitioners yuppified and smugly materialistic.

Durmond admitted Geri and Kyle, both of whom looked frightened out of their yuppified wits.

While those neighborhoods had integrated and yuppified, Cherry’s fortunes had headed south.

But he’d asked, and in her opinion, none of the fancy, yuppified, rock and twig-littered flavors ever beat the Shoppe’s wicked awesome homemade vanilla.