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This article is about a geographic region. For the Yunga language, see Mochica language. For the Bolivian provinces, see Nor Yungas Province and Sud Yungas Province.

The Yungas ( Aymara yunka warm or temperate Andes or earth, Quechua yunka warm area on the slopes of the Andes) is a narrow band of forest along the eastern slope of the Andes Mountains from Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argentina. It is a transitional zone between the Andean highlands and the eastern forests. Like the surrounding areas the Yungas belong to the Neotropic ecozone and climate is rainy, humid, and warm.

Usage examples of "yungas".

Worse, the path they had followed to get to the yungas was washed away, so they could never get back.

Such was the demand for leaf that even the Yungas crop was bought up in bulk for processing into cocaine: there may have been no coca to chew inBolivia, but people were at least supporting themselves.

This led to conflicts: in October 1982 the Yungas reached flash point when the wife and daughter of a coca farmer were abducted and raped by police.