n. political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people [syn: youth crusade]
The Youth Movement, also known as the Youth Party or Young People's Party, was a political party in Laos.
Usage examples of "youth movement".
It's the badge of the protest movement, of the youth movement, of the small minority of idiots who don't know when they are well off.
The Sanjay Youth Movement was particularly effective in the sterilization campaign.
Kimba and his group of supporters, backed by the Vindu army and the unstable and highly dangerous teenagers who made up the party's youth movement, continued to rule from Clarence entirely for their own benefit and profit.
Most of them came from the Hitler Youth movement or the Labor Service.
Worried, conscientious parents were writing to The White Christian Minuteman all the time, asking me if there wasn't some youth movement that wanted to keep the American bloodstream pure.
Worried, conscientious parents were writing to The White Christian Minute-man all the time, asking me if there wasn't some youth movement that wanted to keep the American bloodstream pure.
At the end of the day, the harsh reality is that if you're a fan of Kate Bush, Charles Dickens, Scrabble, David Attenborough and University Challenge, then there's not much out there for you in terms of a youth movement.
Kira makes it clear that her terrorist organization was a youth movement, their main critics the older members of her race.
They had been informed on and arrested for listening to the Allied radio and for preventing young Kurt from joining the Hitler Youth Movement.