be beside yourself with anger/excitement/rage etc
▪ Mom and Dad will be beside themselves with worry.
be beside yourself with rage (=be so angry that you cannot control yourself)
▪ They had been publicly humiliated and were beside themselves with rage.
brace yourself (for sth)
▪ The pilot told passengers and crew to brace themselves for a rough landing.
consider yourself lucky/fortunate (=believe you are lucky etc)
▪ Consider yourself lucky you weren’t in the car at the time.
count/consider/think yourself lucky (=believe that you are lucky in a particular situation)
▪ You should count yourself lucky you weren’t seriously hurt.
cover yourself in glory (= do something that makes people admire you)
▪ As team captain, he hasn't covered himself in glory.
cry yourself to sleep (=cry until you fall asleep)
▪ That night he cried himself to sleep.
cry yourself to sleep (=cry until you fall asleep)
▪ I used to cry myself to sleep every night.
defend/protect yourself from your enemies
▪ Our country has a right to protect itself from its enemies.
discharge yourselfBritish English (= leave hospital before your treatment is complete)
disengage yourself
▪ Sally found it difficult to disengage herself from his embrace.
do yourself a favour (=do something good for yourself)
▪ Do yourself a favour and read as many books on the subject as possible.
do yourself an injuryBritish Englishinformal (= accidentally hurt yourself)
▪ Be careful with that knife or you’ll do yourself an injury.
drag yourself away from (=stop watching)
▪ Can you drag yourself away from the TV for a minute?
draw yourself upright (=stand straighter)
▪ Susan drew herself upright and thrust out her chin.
expose yourself to ridicule/criticism etc (=say or do something that may make people laugh at you, criticize you etc)
express yourself (=say what you think or feel)
▪ He is very confident and finds it easy to express himself.
feel sorry for yourself (=feel unhappy and pity yourself)
▪ It’s no good feeling sorry for yourself. It’s all your own fault.
find out for yourself
▪ I thought it best to let you find out for yourself.
find yourself in a similar/awkward etc position
▪ The refugee organizations now found themselves in a difficult position.
find yourself/your mind etc doing sth
▪ When he left, Karen found herself heaving a huge sigh of relief.
▪ She tried to concentrate, but found her mind drifting back to Alex.
forgive myself/yourself etc
▪ If anything happened to the kids I’d never forgive myself.
hold/keep (yourself) aloof from sth
▪ The doctor held himself somewhat aloof from the rest of the ship’s crew.
keep your opinions to yourself (=not say what you really think)
▪ As the youngest person there, I knew enough to keep my opinions to myself.
keep/hold yourself aloof (from sb)
▪ She had always kept herself aloof from the boys in class.
land/get yourself in hot water
▪ She got herself in hot water with the authorities.
let yourself be beaten/persuaded/fooled etc
▪ I stupidly let myself be persuaded to take part in a live debate.
look out for yourself/number one (=think only of the advantages you can get for yourself)
make an ass of yourself (=do something stupid or embarrassing)
make yourself clear (=express yourself in a way that is easy to understand)
▪ Please tell me if I’m not making myself clear.
make yourself plain (=make what you are saying clear)
▪ If you do that again you will be severely punished. Do I make myself plain?
make yourself understood (=make what you say clear to other people, especially when speaking a foreign language)
▪ I’m not very good at German, but I can make myself understood.
make yourself useful (=be helpful)
▪ Don’t just stand there – make yourself useful!
making a nuisance of yourself (=annoying other people with your behaviour)
▪ Stop making a nuisance of yourself!
prepare yourself for a race/fight etc
▪ The Chicago Bears are busy preparing themselves for the big game.
prick yourself/prick your finger (=accidentally make a hole in your skin)
▪ She had pricked her finger on a rose thorn.
pull/drag/haul yourself into a position
▪ She pulled herself into a sitting position.
pull/push yourself upright
▪ He pulled himself upright on the sofa.
put some distance between yourself and sb/sth (=go quite a long way from them)
▪ He wanted to put some distance between himself and his pursuers.
put yourself/your neck on the line (for sb) (=risk something bad happening to you)
▪ I’ve already put myself on the line for you once, and I’m not going to do it again.
resign yourself to/accept your fate
▪ I had no choice but to resign myself to my fate.
see for yourself (=find out if it is true)
▪ These chocolates are gorgeous. Try some and see for yourself.
set (yourself/sb) a goal (=decide what you or someone else should try to achieve)
▪ It helps if you set yourself clear goals.
shout yourself hoarse (=shout until your throat is sore)
▪ Matthew shouted himself hoarse until he was discovered.
smile to yourself
▪ Maggie looked at the photo and smiled to herself.
spray yourself with perfume
▪ Jody sprayed herself with some of her mother’s perfume.
worry yourself (=feel anxious, especially when there is no need to)
▪ You’re worrying yourself unnecessarily.
(all) by yourself
▪ Dave spent Christmas all by himself.
▪ Do you think you can move the couch by yourself?
▪ Katherine made the cookies all by herself.
▪ You can't go home by yourself in the dark.
▪ He came at once, by himself, as she had asked.
▪ One proposal by itself was anathema; the two together were poison.
▪ Our car was half full, and we were assigned to a row by ourselves.
▪ She'd managed that all by herself.
▪ Similarly, Spong believes that homosexuality, by itself, is not a sin.
▪ Stanford... well, Stanford is in a class by itself.
▪ The land by itself could not support the population.
(all) to yourself
▪ As mentioned earlier, my grandfather kept to himself in his smoke-filled room, rarely venturing out.
▪ At first there was silence as they drove along the quiet road, simply enjoying being close to each other.
▪ He can't be very bright can he, drawing attention to himself like that?
▪ He had done nothing wrong, nothing at all, but there was no way of proving it, even to himself.
▪ Today it tends to be a more exclusive activity in which theologians talk straight to each other and down to the faithful.
▪ Tutor and pupil may, however, have spoken Latin to each other.
▪ Until the beginning of this year, Congress had not applied to itself a single civil-rights or workplace statute passed this century.
▪ We continually talk to ourselves about them, losing force all the time, and feel that we are very badly treated.
(put) daylight between yourself and sb
abandon yourself to sth
▪ By the time we reached Totnes, in Devon, we had abandoned ourselves to our despair.
▪ For several blissful seconds she abandoned herself to his kiss, and to all the incredible, startling sensations exploding inside her.
▪ He began to cry in earnest, abandoning himself to a storm of weeping, sobbing against his folded arms.
▪ I abandon myself to you ... I even want you to abuse and degrade me.
▪ The Near East surrendered, abandoning itself to the invaders.
▪ The soul abdicates quickly and the flesh abandons itself to shudders.
▪ They danced wildly down the street, abandoning themselves to the night and the moon.
▪ What would it feel like to abandon herself to his touch?
abase yourself
▪ Father, plead, ingratiate and abase yourself before your all-powerful children!
▪ The members of the Political Executive Committee abased themselves once more.
absent yourself (from sth)
▪ Detained patients absent themselves, or abscond, from hospitals.
▪ Equally, she was absent herself; naturally enough - she had been the photographer.
▪ His absence bloomed in her until she grew absent herself, preternaturally agreeable.
▪ I had not had the benefit of that lovely electricity for long, but how I did miss it when it absented itself.
▪ I put my head down into my hands and absented myself mentally.
▪ It will not be desired to find all people who absent themselves without leave.
▪ Kendall absented himself this time, as was only fitting.
▪ Lucy arranged to absent herself from the expedition to allow Maggie to be alone with Phillip.
acquaint yourself with sth
▪ Residents should acquaint themselves with earthquake safety rules.
▪ An experienced photographer should have pointed out these things but it is sensible to acquaint yourself with some basic knowledge.
▪ He had had no time to acquaint himself with his fief, twice seen, and well enough served by its own.
▪ I make it my business to acquaint myself with where objects properly belong in a house.
▪ It was high time, he said, that the artist acquaint himself with the fantastic images of the microscope.
▪ Nedham and Bowes were further required to acquaint themselves with the costing of the roasting and smelting.
▪ Prospective mineral developers should acquaint themselves with the appropriate development plans.
▪ The whole endeavour was set in an international context, the Commission being charged with acquainting itself with modern penal practice abroad.
▪ You should acquaint yourself with any material that is provided about the authority.
acquit yourself well/honourably
▪ They did acquit themselves well with heavier strings and a flat pick, but in the main they were seen as fingerpicking guitars.
affiliate yourself to/with sb/sth
angry with/at yourself
▪ David was angry with himself for trusting Michael.
▪ A shiver went over her and she became angry at herself.
▪ Are we angry with ourselves and blaming something or some one else?
▪ He was so angry with himself.
▪ I felt a sharp stab of disappointment and was surprised and angry at myself.
▪ I felt so guilty, do you see, yet I felt so angry with myself for feeling that way.
▪ If you catch yourself worrying about money, then welcome the thought rather than fighting it, or getting angry with yourself.
▪ Suddenly she felt angry with herself for having let her emotions get out of control.
▪ Those who played were angry with themselves for making mistakes.
announce sb/yourself
apply yourself
▪ I wish Sam would apply himself a little more to his schoolwork.
▪ Cosby said Jackson seemed to be applying herself in school but inexplicably dropped out.
▪ He applied himself to his shoelace.
▪ If he feels some one is not applying themselves 100 percent, he won't spare reputations or ego - whoever you are.
▪ It is a consideration which I should have applied myself to the assessment of general damages to favour this plaintiff.
▪ Most of them applied themselves to their exercise books, their faces contorted with intellectual effort.
▪ She applied herself to her book but still heard laughing, laughing.
▪ The aged, heart-of-pine floors glowed under a regular coat of wax, which he applied himself.
▪ The Secretary of State should apply himself to his own evidence.
arrogate (to yourself) sth
▪ Governments should not be deluded into thinking that they can arrogate to themselves powers that they do not and can not possess.
▪ It was up to Kasparov to prove that he still merited the title he arrogated.
▪ What is significant, as Kee points out, is that the Roman Church assented to the role Constantine arrogated to himself.
▪ Why does he arrogate to himself the claim to know more about patient care than all those professionals?
ask yourself sth
assert yourself
▪ Don't be afraid to assert yourself in the interview.
▪ Abusers are often suspicious and jealous, suffer from low self-esteem and need to assert themselves.
▪ Dependent and insecure, they may find it difficult to join in and to assert themselves.
▪ The trade of Wells puts demand on Chris Carpenter to assert himself at the top of the rotation.
▪ There became room for younger, different, mainly nonconformist leaders to assert themselves, not necessarily by parliamentary means.
▪ When it was too late to alter the course of events, the party's leaders found the courage to assert themselves.
▪ Which man wants to admit that he's a wimp and needs to assert himself?
▪ Yet here again political realities asserted themselves.
▪ You have a certain window of opportunity to assert yourself.
assure yourself
▪ As he passed through he cast one last glance behind him to assure himself he was free of pursuers.
▪ As we will see shortly, it is much simpler to assure ourselves of gains from trade if it is true.
▪ Goldwater, a plain-spoken Arizonan, had assured himself of a first-ballot nomination by defeating Rockefeller in the California primary.
▪ Have you assured yourself that you can deliver whatever value is promised in your set of products and services?
▪ Having assured itself of that source, however, doesn't translate into a positive factor - merely a neutral one.
▪ Only for the sake of her own morale, she assured herself.
▪ She was blushing again, with anger, she assured herself.
▪ They interviewed us both, checked out my house and assured themselves John Leslie was not in danger.
attach yourself to sb
▪ Art History as a subject was not yet available at Cambridge: she would attach herself to the Courtauld Institute.
▪ If she wishes to attach herself to the scare, I am delighted.
▪ Joyce had become separated from her parent and attached herself to the Leighs.
▪ Particular molecules will attach themselves to the enzyme surface so that atoms can be transferred rapidly.
▪ She felt very much an ignorant outsider, but unobtrusively attached herself to charge.
▪ Shockwave attaches itself to your browser.
▪ The crew swam out from under the canoe and attached themselves to the upturned hull.
▪ They attach themselves to her in the time-honoured order: strongest take the front teats, weakest the rear.
avail yourself of sth
▪ Avail yourself of every opportunity to learn.
▪ A formal hearing may be dispensed with if the parties do not wish to avail themselves of their right to have one.
▪ Anyone wishing to avail themselves of this facility should contact the Hotel direct.
▪ Gaining New Clients - How to avail yourself of the opening of all public contracts to businesses throughout the Community.
▪ Gandhi availed himself of Western and Eastern methods.
▪ It demonstrates that in the post-Cold War world, middle powers can avail themselves of new power to build coalitions.
▪ Many high-income people can reduce their income tax liabilities very substantially by availing themselves of this loophole.
▪ Mrs Foster encouraged the staff to avail themselves of the lodge's delights.
▪ The Sergeant availed himself of the other.
be beside yourself
▪ I thought it was outrageous, and Clarisa was beside herself.
▪ I was beside myself with joy and excitement.
▪ Many observers believe that Kiley and Livingstone should be beside themselves with joy at the major concessions they have won.
▪ She was beside herself with grief.
▪ The boy was beside himself with agitation.
▪ They had been publicly assaulted and humiliated in front of a crowd of people and were beside themselves with rage.
▪ When he found that his theory exactly predicted the path of Mercury, he was beside himself with happiness for days.
▪ When the Republicans tried to eliminate some of the things I felt proudest about, I was beside myself about it.
be full of yourself
▪ He was too full of himself to care about anyone else.
▪ She's a good-looking woman, but too full of herself for my liking.
▪ Tim is just so full of himself.
▪ Modern-day sportswriting is full of itself.
▪ They think Vassar students are full of themselves, elite, and excessively liberal.
be in command of yourself
▪ Kathleen is a confident leader and in total command of herself.
be yourself
▪ And the sacrificial victim is yourself.
▪ He was counting on her redshirting even more than Karen was herself.
▪ Henry Ford's assertion that history was bunk was itself bunk: theology seemed to me a much better candidate.
▪ It seems to me questionable that Ruether is herself theistic.
▪ The language needed to describe unity is itself divisive, each word an island proclaiming its difference from every other.
▪ They can be themselves, be, relate, create in their own way.
▪ They made us able to come with our own identity and our own image, to try to be ourselves.
bear yourself
▪ Throughout the trial, she bore herself with great dignity.
▪ She was very pale, but bore herself with rigid composure.
beat yourself up
better yourself
▪ A lot of people are trying to better themselves.
▪ And she feels better herself - after two weeks, her headaches and tiredness have gone.
▪ He doesn't criticize the vice-president marketing's expert judgement nor pretend he could do better himself.
▪ I couldn't have done better myself.
▪ I teach them to better themselves.
▪ It is a way in which diversity and the desire to better oneself can be accommodated.
▪ She would do anything to better herself.
▪ Wilson speeches often praise the gumption of illegal immigrants who take risks and endure hardships to better themselves and their families.
brush yourself down
▪ Give me a couple of minutes, will you? Brush yourself down while you're waiting.
bury yourself in your work/studies etc
busy yourself with sth
▪ I busied myself with answering letters.
▪ Could it be that man over there busying himself with the nutcracker display?
▪ Franca naturally busied herself with genuine tasks, of which there were always plenty.
▪ I busied myself with the cooking until I was interrupted by an exquisite baritone.
▪ It was ajar and he could see the young woman busying herself with chores before reopening the shop for the afternoon trade.
▪ Morning comes, and Blue starts busying himself with another disguise.
▪ She busies herself with recruiting phone calls.
▪ Two days before the opening Soo stayed in the shop and busied herself with white paint and a large board.
▪ While Muhammed Shah and his circle busied themselves with amusement, Safdarjung consolidated his position.
call yourself sth
▪ He calls himself a Christian, but he's not very nice to strangers.
can look after yourself
▪ But now she can look after herself.
▪ It is generally assumed that at postgraduate level and above users can look after themselves.
cannot/could not bring yourself to do sth
▪ But I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
▪ He had died somewhere on the way to his next case, and Quinn could not bring himself to feel sorry.
▪ I debated with myself but in the end, I could not bring myself to pack up and leave.
▪ Rain could not bring herself to put this to the test.
▪ She could not bring herself to fall down the house stairs.
▪ The New-York Historical Society couldn't bring itself to do that.
▪ The teakettle made a brisk whistling sound, but John Wade could not bring himself to move.
▪ This little subterfuge the guard put into motion somehow he could not bring himself to do it.
catch yourself doing sth
▪ I caught myself watching everybody else instead of paying attention to the lecture.
chuck yourself off sth
collect yourself/collect your thoughts
come out of yourself
▪ He comes out of himself for a time and learns about love.
comport yourself
▪ Leo comported himself very professionally.
▪ A paradigm tells us what things are like, how the world is, and how we should comport ourselves in it.
▪ He comported himself so stiffly during cocktails that Jim Maier suspected the bishop might be feeling intimidated.
▪ Many animals show inherited differences in how they comport themselves.
▪ This is not to say that our soldiers, sailors and airmen have not comported themselves bravely when asked to do so.
compose yourself
▪ He waited a moment outside the door so that Philip would have time to compose himself.
▪ She took several deep breaths to compose herself before going downstairs.
▪ He paused for a while to compose himself then staggered down to the porter's lodge.
▪ Ralph would compose himself, at the ready.
▪ She lit a cigarette ... composed herself.
▪ She saw Anna, and was visibly struggling to compose herself as she came to the door.
▪ She waits outside the room, head down, composing herself while the players find seats inside.
▪ The fisherman brayed laughter, pleased with his joke, and delighted to see the boy had composed himself.
▪ There she wept and fought to compose herself before returning to the parlor with a small, pinched smile.
concern yourself with/about sth
▪ Our country's leaders must concern themselves with environmental protection.
▪ Back in the days when he had yet concerned himself with the world.
▪ Burun Khan may have told you that we know of such machines, but do not concern ourselves with them.
▪ By contrast, total quality and continuous improvement concern themselves with improving performance in smaller chunks.
▪ For several weeks I did not concern myself with any thought of the future.
▪ In its pure form, a no-fault system, as its name suggests, does not concern itself with blame.
▪ The committee will concern itself with matters relating to administration, marketing, finance, playing, development, and public relations.
▪ The physical anthropologists concern themselves with the history and distribution of the varieties of mankind considered as species and sub-species.
▪ What has been at stake that we concerned ourselves with this?
conduct yourself
▪ By the end of the course, you should be able to conduct yourself with confidence in any meeting.
▪ Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly, even in their private lives.
▪ Seidman has conducted himself with extraordinary grace and ability.
▪ But he conducts himself in all situations with a dignity not one whit lessened by his shortness.
▪ He conducted himself impeccably, he was open and honest and had to put up with a lot from the press and media.
▪ He had an air about him that was highly professional and he conducted himself in a really first-class manner.
▪ I always try to conduct myself reasonably in public.
▪ I believed I had conducted myself well.
▪ Imagine fans and athletes honoring their sport by conducting themselves with class.
▪ That is how you decide the manner you are going to conduct yourself.
▪ These young men, taciturn, hard-working, serious, did not conduct themselves in what Mr Bullins considered the correct manner.
congratulate yourself (on sth)
▪ But the rivalry was friendly enough for all teams to congratulate each other on their performances.
▪ I do not say this in order to congratulate myself or to put my actions in a better light.
▪ On the dais all the boys were congratulating themselves.
▪ One by one they congratulated themselves.
▪ San Francisco is not in a position to congratulate itself on the success of its public schools.
▪ So both teams can congratulate themselves at doing so much better.
▪ The Government are in an extraordinarily poor position to congratulate themselves on an annusmirabilis.
▪ The Senior Management team were evidently congratulating themselves on having recruited such an able young lady.
content yourself with (doing) sth
▪ But Borssele has not simply contented herself with the odd leak.
▪ He said not a word to her, but contented himself with sending a stern reprimand to Aeolus.
▪ If Sister doesn't get a move on, they could always content themselves with the shortest children's story ever told.
▪ Ishmael is the only Person aboard the Pequod who never contents himself with seeing only one meaning for anything.
▪ Jones, shoulders hunched against the numbing cold, contented himself with a quiet display.
▪ The intrepid manager had to content himself with numbering his reserve teams.
▪ When the Suns came to watch in Game 1, he contented himself with 28 points and six rebounds.
▪ You must content yourself with maintaining your present level and role in the organization for the duration or leave!
contradict yourself
▪ During questioning, Robinson contradicted himself several times.
▪ As far as restarting the musical life in Vienna was concerned, we had the problem that the occupying forces often contradicted each other.
▪ Could you try to contradict yourself a little less?
▪ I can tell if some one contradicts themselves 39.
▪ It imputes to Proust's text the ability to contradict itself without intervention.
▪ Not, does it matter if the writer contradicts himself; but, does it matter what colour they are anyway?
▪ To Greg she didn't seem to be making much sense - saying whatever came first into her head and contradicting herself.
▪ Where they contradicted each other in inessential points there might be room for debate and uncertainty.
▪ You couldn't help but contradict yourself from time to time.
cover yourself (against sth)
▪ Dealers will no longer need to buy to cover themselves, removing one factor that has supported prices.
▪ He covered himself with a blanket that suddenly seemed to move on its own-an army of insects began crawling over his skin.
▪ He covers himself in rose-water all the time so that the place smells like a funeral parlour.
▪ He tumbled to the ground, writhed around on the dirt and covered himself with dust.
▪ I slid out of bed and covered myself with a huge paisley shawl.
▪ In a sense it was inevitable that Kelly should cover himself in glory.
▪ My landlady had stopped screaming by now because she'd managed to cover herself up.
▪ She told him that he would cover himself with ridicule by bringing the boy back.
cross yourself
▪ Father Tim crossed himself, joyfully Harry Nelson, however, was devastated.
▪ Greatly relieved, he muttered under his breath and crossed himself several times.
▪ He crossed himself, sat in the bow and ordered the men to row in.
▪ He glared, and crossed himself.
▪ Remembering, the rector crossed himself.
▪ The novelist and his wife cross themselves again and turn back into the night.
▪ The soldier leaped away, crossing himself and gibbering; some ancient prayer, perhaps, or a magic sign.
▪ Then take out thin, twiggy wood and branches that cross each other - you're aiming for a goblet shape.
deceive yourself
▪ Many parents deceive themselves about their children's behavior.
▪ He could almost deceive himself that she was confiding in him.
▪ I loved her, but I never deceived myself.
▪ If a man dissemble, deceive, he deceives himself, and goes out of acquaintance with his own being.
▪ It was no use deceiving herself any longer.
▪ Not for a moment had she been able to deceive herself that she was anything but bad, truly bad.
▪ She deceives herself more than she deceives anyone else.
▪ Was she not indeed, not only trapping herself, but deceiving herself, being, to herself, a traitor?
deny yourself (sth)
▪ A psychoanalyst would perhaps say that we learn to deny ourselves this satisfaction in favour of more sublimated pleasures.
▪ He was the first to deny himself comfort and sleep.
▪ Isabel had told her, unable to deny herself the relief of letting the truth out at last.
▪ Low-performing organizations deny themselves this counsel.
▪ Stop denying yourself food, stop eating carrots when what you really want is carrot cake.
▪ The left-armer denied himself a sixth by wasting a cowardly bouncer on Malcolm.
▪ They were not used to denying themselves much; they were not used to journeys on foot.
▪ To leave self behind does not just mean denying oneself.
despite yourself
▪ Jessie realized that, despite herself she cared about Edward.
▪ Buxton, perhaps despite himself, grew anxious not to alienate Tory support, even if that meant silencing more liberal voices.
▪ Frome was being catapulted, despite itself, perhaps, into the world of the new century about to dawn.
▪ Impressed despite herself, Tabitha watched him closely.
▪ She heard the sharp intake of his breath and desire flared out of control so that, despite herself, she responded.
▪ Studied her lips, despite myself.
▪ The mood was contagious, and despite myself I started grinning mindlessly.
▪ Violet, trapped or captured, was despite herself enthralled by it all.
detach yourself from sb/sth
▪ In order to do her job during the war, she detached herself from her feelings.
▪ Alex detached himself from the crowd and came towards them.
▪ If you wished to detach yourself from the soul of Salomon Brothers, London was the only place to go.
▪ It detached itself from the thicket and reached rose-thorn fingers into the hard earth.
▪ My muscles went limp; my skin melted into a buttery ooze; my head detached itself from my body.
▪ One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger.
▪ When thoroughly replenished it would detach itself from the socket and renew its adventures across the floor!
▪ Wynne-Jones detached himself from the supporting arm and came over to Tallis.
dig a hole for yourself
▪ The mayor dug himself into a hole when he promised 3000 new jobs.
discipline yourself (to do sth)
▪ Are we prepared to discipline ourselves to restrictions and regulations that we feel we ought to impose for our own good?
▪ Can we discipline ourselves more in meetings?
▪ Every month discipline yourself to go through the file and identify at least ten external contacts to phone.
▪ Furthermore, it had no effective way to discipline itself on expenditures.
▪ He must discipline himself to rigorously avoid any form of activity, be this mental or physical.
▪ It shows why philosophy may penetrate so many disciplines and yet remain a distinct discipline itself.
▪ Most of us were brought up to accept discipline, and to discipline ourselves.
▪ The combined discipline itself becomes a new container.
disentangle yourself (from sb/sth)
▪ The President was eager to disentangle himself from the scandal.
▪ And then he disentangled himself from the last uniformed peer and reached Hardin.
▪ Blearily, I disentangled myself from Richard and grabbed the phone, checking the clock.
▪ Bobbie, still looking dazed, began to disentangle herself from the foliage.
▪ Jean Alesi is said to be trying to disentangle himself from his 1993 Ferrari contract in order to make himself available to Williams.
▪ Night brightened sharply, as if the moon had just disentangled itself from cloud.
▪ One arm disentangled itself from the covers, her fingers curling indolently into the fine cotton of the quilt.
▪ The first thing the three must do is disentangle themselves from the past.
disport yourself
distance yourself (from sth)
▪ But she could not distance herself from her friend's tragedy.
▪ Don't try distancing yourself from me by calling me Mr Calder.
▪ For that reason, abstract art has been anxious to distance itself from decoration.
▪ He also chose to distance himself geographically.
▪ He no longer confides in he, as he did in the letter at the beginning, but distances himself from her.
▪ It is another for the Prime Minister to distance herself from the policies of the government of which she is head.
▪ Or should it be able, despite being owned by the State, to distance itself somewhat from political authority?
▪ They did so, and he began progressively to distance himself from his mentor.
distinguish yourself
▪ After joining the newspaper, she quickly distinguished herself with a series of hard-hitting exposés.
▪ Bradley has distinguished himself as the top scorer on the team.
▪ Eastwood distinguished himself as an actor before becoming a director.
▪ During the battle five Troll Slayers distinguished themselves by attacking and destroying three Trolls which were perilously close to crushing Duregar himself.
▪ He distinguished himself as third-string quarterback for the football team.
▪ He was clever, but disinclined to distinguish himself in study, athletic but lazy, honest but argumentative.
▪ Look, we were just kids, who like all kids want to distinguish ourselves from our parents.
▪ Perhaps Hincmar's silence here was tactful, since Charles the Bald's sons had not distinguished themselves in the traditional roles.
▪ She has been unable to effectively distinguish herself from other objects on a sensorimotor level.
▪ The Conservatives under John Major tried to distinguish themselves from their Thatcherite past by stressing a commitment to quality public services.
▪ Tim distinguished himself for eleven years in Miami, including the history-making 1972 undefeated season that climaxed in the 1973 Super Bowl.
divest yourself of sth
▪ Pinkerton's is divesting itself of $120 million in unprofitable business.
▪ And he could return to Bass, which wants to divest itself of yet more pubs.
▪ Courtaulds deputy chief executive Gordon Campbell said Courtaulds made the sale as part of its program to divest itself of noncore businesses.
▪ Especially, your Assassin must divest herself of every tiny hidden trick.
▪ Nor can a country divest itself of the karmic consequences of its own actions.
divest yourself of sth
▪ And he could return to Bass, which wants to divest itself of yet more pubs.
▪ Courtaulds deputy chief executive Gordon Campbell said Courtaulds made the sale as part of its program to divest itself of noncore businesses.
▪ Especially, your Assassin must divest herself of every tiny hidden trick.
▪ Nor can a country divest itself of the karmic consequences of its own actions.
do all right (for yourself/herself etc)
▪ Anyway, I did all right.
▪ He did all right in that Navy movie, whatever it was.
▪ Wow, so you guys must do all right then, him?
do yourself a mischief
▪ My objection to his high heels was that he would do himself a mischief if he had to bale out!
do yourself justice
▪ I am sure he will do himself justice.
▪ If Rebecca is to do herself justice, she needs to define her terms.
do yourself up
don't trouble yourself
drag yourself to/into/out of etc sth
▪ I remember when I heard the rounds coming in, I dragged myself out of the hooch.
draw yourself up (to your full height)
drink yourself silly/into a stupor/to death etc
drink/laugh/scare etc yourself silly
▪ Well, I laughed myself silly.
efface yourself
excel yourself
▪ But he excelled himself last week.
▪ He was a chaser of the highest class, and had not other horses of unproven stamina excelled themselves in the National?
▪ In a playing career that ended the month Graeme Souness arrived at Rangers, Johnstone had excelled himself as a rumbustious centre-forward.
▪ It gives us the confidence to cope with other apparently insurmountable problems, knowing that we have excelled ourselves before. 3.
▪ Last week, Helen excelled herself - a black matt waterproof, lined, with a turn-back collar of fake ocelot!
▪ Miss Lodsworth, who organized the flower rota, had excelled herself.
▪ Sorrel excelled herself with the meal, although her father never mentioned it.
▪ Yuletide in Walford is traditionally a combat zone with crackers, but the soap excelled itself this year.
excuse yourself
▪ Richard excused himself and went to his room.
▪ Constance detected a change in the atmosphere as Giancarlo excused himself and walked down the steps to greet his last guest.
▪ He has excused himself from a dinner meeting to return her call.
▪ I excuse myself for this failure of perception, for I think he was concealing it even from himself.
▪ I excused myself from Mr Cardinal and moved towards the doors.
▪ On the ground, when they had left the parked plane, Myeloski excused himself and went to the men's room.
▪ Once, my eyes start to fill with tears and I excuse myself and go to find the bathroom.
▪ She was sitting at the mirror in her room, having excused herself from her cousins' chatter minutes before.
▪ They heard Paul excuse himself to go into the house.
exert yourself
▪ It's important not to exert yourself - it'll take a few weeks to recover.
▪ A nation in its rowdy, energetic and inspiring youth wants freedom and is willing to exert itself to win it.
▪ All the surgeons present were exerting themselves to their utmost; the few nurses all busy.
▪ As soon as we stop exerting ourselves the blood pressure returns to normal again.
▪ Because shareholders can not tell how hard managers are exerting themselves on their behalf, managers have an incentive to shirk.
▪ Does a team that has to exert itself to get to 38-44 deserve a place at the big table?
▪ He kept close behind, not exerting himself.
▪ Red tell-tales blinked as he exerted himself.
▪ This is the best measure of fitness, since it expresses the greatest rate at which an individual can exert himself.
explain yourself
▪ John doesn't make excuses or explain himself to anybody.
▪ No, that's not what I meant. I guess I didn't explain myself very well.
▪ Censure gives Mr Wahid three months to explain himself.
▪ He waited for Ballater to explain himself or to state the reason for his visit.
▪ I had explained myself, as I always did, but I could scarcely explain myself away.
▪ I knew I could explain myself.
▪ I regard this as part of my life, a duty to explain myself.
▪ She tried to speak, to call for help, to explain herself, to scream, but no words would come.
▪ When, eventually, he was admitted to the presence of the Chairman he would have perhaps fifteen minutes to explain himself.
▪ Yet now, commanded to appear before elected officials, he had to explain himself, give an accounting of his views.
expose yourself
▪ By connecting to the Internet, a local network organization may be exposing itself to the entire population on the Internet.
▪ He was arrested five other times from 1991-93 on charges such as exposing himself to a female student and urinating in public.
▪ I hated to expose myself, to emerge, to stick out.
▪ Marie had never understood how women could bare their souls with such ease, exposing themselves so shamelessly to one another.
▪ The builder, by breaking his commitments, no doubt exposed himself to an action by his customer for breach of contract.
▪ There were cases of teachers following girls home, and one who exposed himself.
▪ Whereas they expose themselves by coming to power, he can remain concealed indefinitely.
▪ Women expose themselves through their image far more than men do.
fall over yourself to do sth
▪ Freshers' fair is the traditional showground where societies fall over themselves to attract some of the 5000 new students.
▪ He was good box office and managements fell over themselves to get his name on their marquees.
▪ Suddenly, the Kremlin is falling over itself to get close to Uncle Sam.
▪ The owners are constantly carping about runaway salaries, then fall over themselves to jump the gun and up the ante.
▪ The receptionist had obviously recognised him too, had practically fallen over herself to bat her long dark eyelashes at him.
▪ The sight of so many senior politicians falling over themselves to kiss his hand was reminiscent of Tammany Hall at its worst.
▪ Those first days of their honeymoon in New York, the music publishers had fallen over themselves to entertain the couple.
▪ We almost fell over ourselves to oblige.
familiarize yourself/sb with sth
▪ Besides, the way our winter has been going, it seemed like the year to familiarize myself with snowshoes.
▪ Jules, you can accompany Alice and familiarize yourself with London.
▪ Taylor familiarized himself with existing designs, borrowing features from several.
▪ These programs familiarize trainees with the production line, company policies and procedures, and the requirements of the job.
▪ To familiarize pupils with the creation and use of a database. 3.
▪ To familiarize pupils with the skills of planning and organizing information. 2.
▪ To familiarize pupils with the use of outside databases e.g. Prestel. 4.
▪ Worcester was a good quiet place to begin, he said, to familiarize myself with the feel of the stage.
fancy yourself
▪ And fancies himself as a fisherman.
▪ He fancied himself as a strategist.
▪ He fancied himself as something of an impresario, and had some experience negotiating contracts with Hollywood studios.
▪ He fancied himself in love with me, the silly boy, but that was absurd.
▪ I fancy myself a famous writer.
▪ Marx was not a humanist, though he fancied himself to be.
▪ Now he fancies himself as a great military strategist.
▪ Read in studio Now, have you ever fancied yourself as a bit of a cowboy?
fancy yourself (as) sth
▪ And fancies himself as a fisherman.
▪ Any chick who fancies herself as a feminist ought to go and see Martha McGilchrist.
▪ He fancied himself as a strategist.
▪ He fancied himself as something of an impresario, and had some experience negotiating contracts with Hollywood studios.
▪ He fancied himself in love with me, the silly boy, but that was absurd.
▪ I fancy myself a famous writer.
▪ Krause has always fancied himself a keen talent scout first.
▪ Now he fancies himself as a great military strategist.
fend for yourself
▪ Dad always wanted me to be able to fend for myself from a very early age.
▪ The children were left to fend for themselves on the streets.
▪ The mother died before the cubs were old enough to fend for themselves.
▪ Young birds are left to fend for themselves soon after they hatch.
▪ Children are left to fend for themselves and often get in trouble in the process.
▪ Now it must fend for itself, without parental care.
▪ Small amounts of food must be left for the birds until they learn to fend for themselves.
▪ So Snow White must fend for herself when she is abandoned by the hunter in the forest.
▪ The captain radioed for assistance, but the convoy sped away, leaving the Vanzetti to fend for herself.
▪ Thereafter they fend for themselves and she is quickly into preparation for her next litter.
▪ We were left to fend for ourselves.
▪ Young Basque men emigrated because no patrimony could by custom be divided, leaving younger sons to fend for themselves.
fill (yourself) up
▪ But at the rear, in his camels-hair coat, filling up a comer with his huge body, he was standing.
▪ Fast cars drink petrol, and if you don't fill up often, your roses will become stranded with empty tanks.
▪ From where Nathan was sitting, in a chapel adjacent to the altar, he could hear the cathedral filling up.
▪ He can fill up the lane, earn his minutes and his keep just by being big.
▪ The doc says her lungs are all filled up with water.
▪ The space between them was filling up with unasked and unanswered questions.
▪ To attract crowds large enough to fill up the ornate space, big spectacles were de rigueur.
▪ Well, if you stop to fill up at a motorway service station your dreams could come true.
fill yourself (up)/fill your face
find it in your heart/yourself to do sth
▪ For this alone, I may find it in my heart to forgive her.
▪ He hoped the moon could find it in its heart to overlook his sins as it climbed the heavens.
▪ To his grief, Donny's widow would not find it in her heart to speak to him again.
find yourself
▪ She went to India to find herself.
▪ And the other morning I found myself feeling guilty about something I'd said to some one about twenty years ago.
▪ But one thing leads to another, and Sister Helen finds herself challenged to put her beliefs on the line.
▪ Conclusion Most of the children who read this book find themselves quite liking Gowie Corby.
▪ He has gone back through that door to find himself in 1963.
▪ I found myself just doing things without even thinking about them - my fingers seemed to work away on their own.
▪ It goes without saying that almost invariably the instances of animal behaviour that we find ourselves discussing involve adult creatures.
▪ Organizations that make them often find themselves settling happily into the healthy habit of regular truth-telling.
▪ Practically put, corn farmers would find themselves with unwanted inventories of output.
flatten yourself against sth
▪ I flattened myself against the wall.
▪ As the train began slowing down for North Chittendon, I flattened myself against the window.
▪ Brennan and Douglas flattened themselves against the front of the trench as it went over.
▪ I flattened myself against the wall.
▪ Quickly they moved out of sight, flattening themselves against the corridor walls to either side of the short passage.
▪ She'd flattened herself against the outside wall like some one in a spy movie.
▪ She flattened herself against the end terrace wall and looked back.
flatter yourself
▪ "I think you like me more than you'll admit." "Don't flatter yourself."
▪ He flattered himself that he would discover a twin soul in the famous Rifleman.
▪ I don't flatter myself that she was eager to take my name.
▪ Indeed Karelius, in opera cloak and one of Aranyos' dandyish suits, flattered himself he looked as distinguished as any.
▪ She had got bored by herself - and, if I flatter myself, there was a tinge of concern for me.
▪ Should we flatter ourselves that our descendants will find our concerns of the utmost importance?
▪ So I don't flatter myself that some one who gets my beliefs will automatically get true ones.
▪ The most that I can claim or flatter myself with, is to be of the middle rank....
fling yourself at sb
▪ And I do not give you permission to fling yourself at her feet, grab her hands and weep into her palms.
▪ As I flung myself at it, pounding footsteps were behind me.
▪ He flung himself at her, springing the top button of his jeans and jerking them down as he did so.
▪ McCoist flung himself at the ball and beat Lukic with a wonderful diving header.
▪ She flung herself at the gunman, who was then felled by police fire.
▪ Tabitha flung herself at the hard bunk with an angry sigh.
▪ They flung themselves at sailors in a bid for immortality.
fling yourself into sth
▪ Mas flung himself into the economic and political life of America.
▪ As they passed Jess, flinging themselves into the Battle, she saw Garty Jenks among them.
▪ Did I fling myself into your arms?
▪ He flung himself into a chair without waiting to be asked.
▪ I flung myself into his chair, the big recliner.
▪ I wanted to fling myself into her arms and cry and let her comfort me, but I did not.
▪ Saying a prayer, she flung herself into her captors' bonfire.
▪ She fought back the sudden urge to run to him, to fling herself into his arms and beg his forgiveness.
▪ Sonia and Helen flung themselves into my arms, to Joe's great astonishment.
fool yourself
▪ Although a Pep Squad can sometimes fool the world, it can rarely fool itself.
▪ First a drive, he thought, headed anywhere, fooling himself into thinking he might simply keep going.
▪ However, the probabilities are that you are fooling yourself.
▪ It was as though he had been fooling himself all along.
▪ Lindsey knew she had been fooling herself in thinking she could remain indifferent.
▪ The stories of Blake and the various defectors show how easily the intelligence fraternity fools itself.
▪ This was my way of fooling myself, perhaps.
▪ We fool ourselves by thinking we can go on automatic pilot, that we can survive by going through the motions.
forget yourself
▪ Veronica was worried that she might forget herself and confess her true feelings.
▪ When I was growing up, I was told to forget myself and pay attention to others.
▪ As if he had forgotten himself, Wasswa hurriedly got up and draped a towel around the President's shoulders.
▪ But this, to some extent, was to forget himself.
▪ He forgets himself in the feeding.
▪ He could get caught up in the story, so to speak, and little by little begin to forget himself.
▪ His aim, in fact, as he freely admitted, was to forget himself in his work.
▪ I gave a good class: there is nothing like teaching well for making one forget oneself and one's petty troubles.
▪ Infuriated, she forgot herself sufficiently to reach out and prod his knee.
▪ You have taught me to forget myself by demeaning yourself to be free to a poor servant.
fulfil yourself
▪ I am still ambitious - to fulfil myself rather than become a managing director.
▪ Just turned 21, Jeanne had sacrificed any hope of fulfilling herself as an artist to Modigliani.
▪ Last year, it seemed he had matured enough to fulfil himself but a cruel succession of injuries denied him.
▪ Maslow showed that, by fulfilling themselves, men could reach contentment and happiness.
gather yourself/your strength/your thoughts
get above yourself
▪ Ever since he'd given her that power of attorney she'd been getting above herself.
▪ I was thought to be getting above myself because I refused to sight read a scene.
▪ What was Cambridge, after all, but a small town which had got above itself?
get/take a grip on yourself
▪ Damn you, get a grip on yourself.
▪ He must take a grip on himself.
▪ I got a grip on myself and made it back to my office.
▪ I had to get a grip on myself and put this whole wretched business behind me.
▪ I must get a grip on myself, she told herself firmly.
▪ She took a grip on herself, physically pushed back the dark, claustrophobic horror at the point of drowning.
give a good/poor account of yourself
▪ Cooper gave a good account of himself in the fight.
▪ Sussex's Wood gave a good account of herself and should have claimed the second set.
▪ Thirteen-year-old Patsy, who could always give a good account of herself, looked upset.
▪ Though it gave a good account of itself, Dave gently persuaded the fish close enough to be lifted aboard the boat.
give yourself over to sth
▪ You have to give yourself over to football if you want to be good at it.
▪ Drifting, feeling the drug, he closed his eyes and gave himself over to the mirrors in his head.
▪ He prepared to give himself over to whatever fate Lucifer had in store for him.
▪ I gave myself over to her ministrations.
▪ I envisioned her smile, and the long sigh as we gave ourselves over to an honest conversation.
▪ She wasn't good at being silly, but she gave herself over to the moment.
▪ The life of the anchoress was hard but she did not necessarily give herself over to excessive penance.
▪ Why not give herself over to the silliness of it, instead of feeling distress?
give yourself/sb up
▪ But then, why give them up so abruptly?
▪ But we would not give it up without a desperate struggle.
▪ He is not going to give that up.
▪ I had to give the ball up, and then I had work my butt off to get it back.
▪ I kept starting new regimes, then finding I couldn't give them up.
▪ In return for our consent, he swore he would give it up the day after he won the election.
▪ That's why I want to give it up for adoption.
go fuck yourself/himself/themselves etc
gorge yourself (on sth)
▪ All fish love eating tubifex and will gorge themselves silly on the worm.
▪ He knew he would gorge himself on curry and dal and then want to sleep.
▪ In the wild they are opportunist feeders and at times of plenty they gorge themselves and then may fast for several weeks.
▪ Just because we appear to be gorging ourselves on war coverage doesn't mean to say that we swallow it whole.
▪ Once there they gorge themselves until they are so bloated they can hardly take off.
▪ The symbolism was extended to the gorge itself Blondin had literally caught it in his net.
haul yourself up/out of etc sth
▪ Annie hauls herself out of her chair, nets a shiner from the tank, and throws it out the screen door.
▪ Next day I hauled myself out of bed, took breakfast and got into the truck about a quarter to six.
have (got) sth/sb (all) to yourself
▪ Helen used to have the house to herself.
▪ I have said to myself that that is wrong.
▪ I must have been jealous of her life away from me, and wished to have her entirely to myself.
▪ Most of the people in the boardinghouse would go home, and he and I would have the house to ourselves.
▪ Mummy stopped the car at once, even though the pizza parlour was so crowded that they couldn't have a table to themselves.
▪ Of course, the Little Sprouts and the Plumpsters could have kept to themselves.
▪ She regrets she is so much in the way of the young people, who really should have some time to themselves.
▪ They could; and should have won this match and the players have to look to themselves.
have a lot to say for yourself
help yourself (to sth)
▪ Go ahead and help yourselves to a drink.
▪ She helped herself to some money she found lying around.
▪ And there are things people can do now to help themselves, new things, and newer things.
▪ Children may be referred by teachers or parents or may even ask for help themselves.
▪ Group members may well help each other by pointing out to another where and what a problem might be.
▪ I just couldn't help myself.
▪ I mean, you couldn't help yourselves.
▪ If you can not help yourself ....
▪ Lily helped herself to the two smallest slices and a generous portion of the crispy brown bubble and squeak.
▪ Weary and wet, sustained by blessed tea, we helped each other with the tents.
hire yourself out
▪ Her brother earned his living by hiring himself out to whoever needed his services on the island.
▪ We called technical support and reached a Florida office, a tech-support company that hires itself out to Compaq.
▪ We thought about hiring ourselves out as sort of bespectacled human twigs for water-divining purposes.
hug yourself with joy/delight etc
humble yourself
▪ Not a lot of former 20-game winners would humble themselves that way.
▪ With Angel gone there was no need to humble herself and inquire if he had at last returned to work.
▪ Yet the school offered him nothing and lie had to humble himself to plead with me.
hurl yourself at/against etc sb/sth
▪ And yet people still hurl themselves at this fence.
▪ For an instant, Jimmy wondered whether he should hurl himself at the plate-glass windows.
▪ I hurl myself at the soldier.
▪ Shopkeeper Nasser Ali, 25, hurled himself at Conroy, who emptied his magazine of all six shots.
▪ The control room door slammed shut behind Atrimonides as he ran on to the gallery and hurled himself at Christine.
▪ The warriors hurled themselves at the heads or horns of their animals to make them lie down.
▪ The wind was gusting through the branches of the old oak tree outside and hurling itself against his window.
immerse yourself in sth
▪ Jarrod completely immersed himself in his work.
▪ Blanche in turn was happy to immerse herself in country life for a few days and play endless games with her two nephews.
▪ For months, Atkinson immersed himself in a numbing void.
▪ In 1919 he went to Zurich, where he studied and worked in psychological clinics, immersing himself in psychological experimentation.
▪ The student needs to immerse himself in the performance of a kata in order to release his emotions.
▪ They did not have time to immerse themselves in technical detail.
▪ We finished our drinks and Siegfried immersed himself in the Veterinary Record as savoury smells began to issue from the kitchen.
▪ When she left I quickly immersed myself in the safer, less emotional facts and figures of a real estate deal.
in spite of yourself
▪ The picture made her laugh in spite of herself.
▪ Almost in spite of himself, he did well at Latin.
▪ Angie responds in spite of herself when Cain flirts with her.
▪ I feel a stab of envy in spite of myself.
▪ I hurried home, my heart pounding and my hands trembling in spite of myself-I could not believe it.
▪ I went along to my session, and I was shaking in spite of myself.
inflict yourself/sb on sb
▪ Alcohol and tobacco inflict great harm on individual health and have a high social cost.
▪ And he was carrying no thunder-and-fire stick to inflict pain on them.
▪ From early childhood they are schooled not to inflict themselves on others.
▪ However, it is possible for other war engines and large monsters to inflict damage on them.
▪ No one wants to inflict this pressure on children.
▪ The second group comprises patients who inflict serious injuries on themselves with considerable suicidal intent.
▪ You are just lying there with these people washing, dressing and at the same time inflicting pain on you.
ingratiate yourself (with sb)
▪ Isn't it sickening how Daniela tries to ingratiate herself with Harriet?
▪ From each and every canvas I saw that the model surveyed the viewer, resisting centuries of admonition to ingratiate herself.
▪ He would get to know the cook and ingratiate himself by being agreeable and doing her favours.
▪ I had to lure her back, bring her presents, ingratiate myself with everyone in the family.
▪ I spend most of my life trying to ingratiate myself into a sick society rather than trying to smash that society.
▪ In order to ingratiate himself with the populace, he rebuilt the Temple of Jerusalem on a hitherto unprecedented scale.
▪ Native merchants were eager to ingratiate themselves with West-ern traders.
▪ Sharaf Rashidov, the former party boss, would lie about the cotton crop year after year to ingratiate himself with Moscow.
▪ The free Negro militia ingratiated themselves with the white community by offering to assist in military operations against the slaves.
install yourself in/at etc
▪ Geoffrey, Joe and I installed ourselves in the aft cabin.
▪ The Madeirans were worried, in particular, in case a post-revolutionary Communist dictatorship should install itself in Lisbon.
▪ Tom suggested they go straight to his house, but Mr Greenleaf wanted to install himself in a hotel first.
interest yourself in sth
▪ Franca could not answer these questions or interest herself in such formulations.
▪ He's been interesting himself in the new C.O., Brenda Pridmore.
▪ He interested himself in fiscal, banking, and trade policy.
▪ I sneaked back, into the darkness and found Doris and tried to interest myself in the dishes for a while.
▪ In Leeds meanwhile he interested himself in educational ventures and became widely known for public service.
▪ In recent years Winters has interested himself in making objects of glass and ceramics.
▪ Not surprisingly, the state has also interested itself in providing additional pension coverage.
involve yourself
▪ A most significant departure for some one so senior to involve himself personally.
▪ Because even if Antoinette didn't exist Rohan wouldn't involve himself with me - at least not seriously.
▪ For why should anyone involve themselves with a stranger when the one thing that everybody had in plenty was trouble?
▪ I chose to involve myself in matters best left alone.
▪ It has involved itself energetically in such issues as pub opening hours and the additives and adjuncts used in the brewing process.
▪ She didn't let the undertakers involve themselves in this intimate business.
▪ What these writers seem to mean is that Artemis did not involve Herself with men.
keep sth to yourself
▪ Branson knew who the killer was, but had kept it to himself for twenty years.
▪ Don't tell Sam -- he's incapable of keeping anything to himself.
▪ I've got cancer, but I would appreciate if you would keep this to yourself.
▪ After all, what right have they to keep it to themselves?
▪ But she kept them to herself.
▪ Never a woman to keep her thoughts to herself, she told him how comfortable she felt in his company.
▪ Share information - don't keep everything to yourself; there is no advantage to this. 5.
▪ She kept the pregnancy to herself - or rather kept it from herself, and from everyone else, for too long.
▪ She wouldn't say even then but I plagued her a bit till she couldn't keep it to herself any longer.
▪ So don't keep it all to yourself!
▪ We went out and tied bricks to him and put him down and we kept it to ourselves.
keep to yourself
▪ His frustration he tried to keep to himself but it hovered about him until it shaded and finally swallowed him.
▪ I watched her drive out on to the highway, thinking many things which are better kept to myself.
▪ If they kept to themselves, the whole northern end of the area might as well be written off.
▪ Mandeville kept to himself, fretting about Southgate and when the additional soldiers would arrive.
▪ Of course, the Little Sprouts and the Plumpsters could have kept to themselves.
▪ She keeps to her room, keeps to herself.
▪ The sympathy she showed Karen; the relief she kept to herself.
▪ Whatever problems he had faced in their life together he had kept to himself.
kick yourself
▪ I could have kicked myself for getting her name wrong.
▪ A few executives, though, kicked themselves.
▪ Blue is shocked by the fare and kicks himself mentally for not following the woman instead.
▪ Glen Day had eight birdies in a round of 64 and was kicking himself.
▪ I have to kick myself to think that it was Xmas only 3 weeks ago.
▪ It was easy to see that the boy was kicking himself.
▪ Jeeze, I could kick myself.
▪ Never slam a door in temper, you may need to come back through it in the future: kick yourself instead.
▪ She was kicking herself for forgetting the most basic Capricorn trait of allowing nothing to stand in the way of their goal.
kill yourself
▪ He killed himself by jumping under a train.
▪ She tried to kill herself when news of the scandal leaked out.
▪ You'll kill yourself if you go on drinking like that.
▪ Could you kill yourself by putting your fingers into the electric socket?
▪ Do we go on killing each other until there is none left?
▪ He suffered such terrible symptoms he tried to kill himself.
▪ Hetty has no alternative but beggary, and rather than that it would be better to kill herself.
▪ It will be a book about how my sister killed herself, about how and why I survived.
▪ Jill has killed herself during the week of his final exams.
▪ The number of students who had killed themselves and their instructors was a constant source of anxiety.
▪ We lived together happily for many years and now it has come to killing each other's babies.
knock yourself out
▪ A koala, who was the loser in a treetop fight, fell 10m and knocked himself out.
▪ He used the family umbrella as a parachute, fell on his head, and knocked himself out.
▪ His head collided with a table on the way down and he knocked himself out.
▪ I knock myself out to get him a pencil and he makes fun.
▪ I think he knocked himself out, or something.
▪ If you knock yourself out you could slip under the water and drown.
▪ You simply want something so much that you knock yourself out to get it.
▪ Your parents have knocked themselves out for you.
launch yourself forwards/up/from etc
▪ With a sari Psepha unfolded his great wings and launched himself from his tree.
let yourself go
▪ Dick took me to the party and, for once, I let myself go completely.
▪ He's quite scholarly, but he can be really funny when he lets himself go.
▪ She's really let herself go since she had the baby.
▪ I merely let myself go to impulse.
▪ If they are kind, if they care about you, they may want to know why you are letting yourself go.
▪ One thing you could say for my daughter, she never let herself go.
▪ People may be unusually observant and tell you that you are letting yourself go.
▪ Perhaps Moira and Martin had almost lost each other because they were afraid to let themselves go.
▪ She'd let herself go, last night - but she was none the worse for it, was she?
▪ That left plenty of room for those wanting to let themselves go.
▪ You can come up and let yourself go - shout about and that and muck about.
let yourself in for sth
▪ He was probably right, but I wondered what we were letting ourselves in for.
▪ I took his point and wondered what I had let myself in for.
▪ It is important that people are aware what they are letting themselves in for.
▪ Property: Don't let yourself in for trouble Choosing the right agent is essential if you want to rent your property.
▪ Thistle's early season promise has evaporated, and debutant Julian Broddle must be wondering what he's let himself in for.
▪ We must know what we are letting ourselves in for, theoretically, when we use such measures.
▪ What exactly was I letting myself in for?
▪ What have I let myself in for?
lever yourself up
lock yourself away
▪ At other times he suffers periods of deep depression when he locks himself away and will speak to no-one for weeks.
▪ He ought to lock himself away from them.
▪ If Eisen was actually in New York, she had an added reason for locking herself away.
▪ It got to the stage where she would lock herself away and not talk to me, or else have endless arguments.
▪ Morrissey, in particular, would lock himself away behind a shield of management statements and subsequent verbal minders.
look after yourself
▪ Concentrate on the truth, advised Eric Gill, and let beauty look after itself.
▪ No doubt many more boys were up to the same tricks, but convention ruled that they were better able to look after themselves.
▪ Remember, at the same time as you are looking after yourself, you are protecting them.
▪ Respecting yourself means looking after yourself.
▪ That's all for now, look after yourselves, and make sure you don't overdo things, Gwen.
▪ The pup must now look after itself.
▪ We have sheltered accommodation, with understanding professional staff, for blind men and women who are unable to look after themselves.
▪ You knew how to look after yourself, he said.
lose yourself in sth
▪ Small children have the ability to lose themselves in imaginary worlds.
▪ A generation loses itself in an inner world of feeling and self-awareness, oblivious of outside forces.
▪ A line of track ran one way to nothing and lost itself in nothing in the other direction.
▪ And though she longed to lose herself in the flames, to be consumed and reborn, she was also terribly afraid.
▪ He had never been able to lose himself in a crowd, or dash off somewhere suddenly on a whim.
▪ Like the owl, it could lose itself in the forest.
▪ Men say I am a saInt losing myself in politics.
▪ Perfecting themselves, though, there is little chance that they will lose themselves in anyone else.
lower yourself
▪ Corrigan took them and lowered himself.
▪ He slid into schooling like an athlete lowering himself into a whirlpool, feeling the heat deep in his tissue.
▪ Hindered by scolding women and jeering men, the soldiers lowered themselves into the cramped crawl spaces.
▪ I lower myself into the chair, keeping as far away as possible.
▪ I gave Becky to them and lowered myself into the water.
▪ Police were called to the shop in Southampton after a passer-by spotted Urben lowering himself through the roof into the showroom.
▪ She lowered herself to the beam, one leg down, the other forward.
▪ The hood framed her expressive face, emphasising the grimace of determination before she lowered herself into the starting blocks.
make a fool of yourself
▪ I met Sylvester Stallone one time and made a complete fool of myself.
▪ A true cat is often willing to make a fool of herself, but only on her own terms.
▪ And why should you make a fool of yourself now by trying?
▪ Athletes will seldom make fools of themselves for the press.
▪ I have made a fool of myself.
▪ One thing Congress apparently can do in a bipartisan spirit is to make a fool of itself.
▪ She had truly made a fool of herself.
▪ The mature glider pilot would never hesitate to make a fool of himself in the interests of safety.
▪ Your biggest fear is probably the fear of making a fool of yourself and this is what is making you nervous.
make a spectacle of yourself
▪ Jody made a complete spectacle of herself by getting drunk at the wedding.
▪ However, it was obvious that she was intent on making a spectacle of herself.
▪ She did not rant or rave or otherwise make a spectacle of herself.
▪ They didn't make a spectacle of themselves.
▪ You're simply making a spectacle of yourself.
▪ You and your so-called friends make spectacles of yourselves at the party, litter the garden with debris and vandalise this fountain.
make an exhibition of yourself
▪ Sam got drunk and made an exhibition of himself as usual.
▪ Even the mouse and the cynic are constantly making an exhibition of themselves.
▪ I didn't want you making an exhibition of yourself.
▪ It would be dreadful if one ran out while the children were present and she made an exhibition of herself by screaming!
▪ Somehow or other he must surely be making an exhibition of himself.
make sb/yourself sick
▪ Finally, the very thought of one more sweet and sticky mouthful would make him sick.
▪ I was too young to exercise my intellectual force to demolish prejudices that made me sick.
▪ It made him sick to go to Horatia's bed, but he hadn't shirked the task.
▪ It makes you sick, you know.
▪ It makes you so sick that you lose the baby.
▪ Shortly afterwards she made herself sick.
▪ Still, for a long time, Helen would not, which they both thought would make her sick.
▪ To be honest, it made me sick to my stomach.
make something of yourself
▪ As with all young people she had to make something of herself before she could offer anything to anyone else.
▪ He looked like a man who might be able to make something of himself if a good woman took him in hand.
▪ Most ladies maids try to make something of themselves.
▪ She began to think of it as he, and wondered if he would make something of himself later on in life.
▪ She too wanted her boys to make something of themselves.
▪ She was totally uninterested in the proposition that a man ought to make something of himself.
▪ The one with the ambition and the talent and the brains to really make something of herself.
▪ Uncle Allen had made something of himself by 1932.
make yourself at home
▪ Make yourselves at home. Would you like a cup of coffee?
▪ Cynthia, he thought, did not have much trouble making herself at home.
▪ Here, sit down and make yourself at home.
▪ Nothing like making yourself at home.
▪ Perspective 6: People make themselves at home throughout the solar system.
▪ She had to make herself at home, somehow.
▪ She pulled off her hat, she made herself at home.
▪ They float right through the glass and make themselves at home.
▪ Two weeks later a young married couple were the new tenants filling the house, making themselves at home.
make yourself heard/understood/known etc
▪ As we will soon see, the inability to make oneself understood properly was at the root of the crisis in Vicos.
▪ But only one side was making itself heard.
▪ Hardly a practicable solution when she didn't even know if she could make herself understood.
▪ He makes himself known with a tiny, metallic clink-clink-clink from within the bushes.
▪ I yelled to make myself heard above the deafening roar of the wind and the sea.
▪ To leave was to admit defeat in this peculiar ritual of making myself known.
▪ Yet lay people had almost no way of making themselves heard in Rome.
make yourself known (to sb)
▪ He makes himself known with a tiny, metallic clink-clink-clink from within the bushes.
▪ Jaq daydreamed about a subsequent year when Baal Firenze had first made himself known.
▪ My superior self was working out a way to approach and make myself known.
▪ To leave was to admit defeat in this peculiar ritual of making myself known.
▪ With that you will make yourself known.
▪ Your five minutes only start when you make yourself known.
make yourself scarce
▪ For the next few days I made myself scarce, hoping his bad mood would pass.
▪ When Gary and Clare began to argue, Reg decided to make himself scarce.
▪ You'd better make yourselves scarce before the manager gets here.
▪ For the next few days I made myself scarce, hoping that his displeasure was temporary.
▪ He generally makes himself scarce in his room with his computer.
▪ He has refused to speak to Hundley and is making himself scarce at the Delta Center to local reporters.
▪ I didn't wait to be told twice and I made myself scarce.
▪ I made myself scarce as quickly as I could.
▪ Maggie had made herself useful to her stepmother by running the house, and yet continued to make herself scarce.
▪ The Magistrate, mortified, had made himself scarce.
model yourself on sb
▪ A number had decided to model themselves on the behaviors and demeanor of a favorite boss or company hero-a very reasonable strategy.
▪ As we grow up we model ourselves on our parents, identifying with them and imitating them.
▪ Dean was another rebel, no doubt modelling himself on his two idols.
▪ For men to model themselves on Ulysses rather than Hercules.
▪ If the C of E models itself on Parliament, the Methodists model themselves on a school prize-giving.
▪ Nobody's modelled themselves on us, they've gone more the Roses and the Mondays.
▪ Plenty of singers, wisely or otherwise, have modelled themselves on the heroes and villains of great literature.
▪ Thomas Becket modelled himself on Anselm - in his exile, his inflexibility, his austerities.
mortify the flesh/yourself
▪ We may imagine an ascetic who consistently chooses the sour instead of the sweet apple, in order to mortify the flesh.
nerve yourself to do sth/for sth
▪ Finally she nerved herself to go and have a drink.
▪ Ruth clenched her hands inside her cloak, nerving herself to follow him; but it was Fand who didn't move.
not be yourself
▪ It would not be itself a thing.
not bother yourself/not bother your head
not feel yourself
▪ I just haven't been feeling myself lately.
▪ He had not felt himself a part of what governments decided.
▪ He had not felt himself bound by their rules - basically, he hadn't felt himself.
not have much to say for yourself
not strain yourself
▪ Continually adepts are warned that they must not strain themselves or try to experience these unnatural things.
only have yourself to thank (for sth)
orient yourself
▪ Alice missed it, as she groped to orient herself.
▪ Each centre will be designed to help even the most physically disabled or confused people move around and orient themselves easily.
▪ Gender is thus an interesting feature to consider when we ask how we orient ourselves.
▪ He has trouble orienting himself to any written work.
▪ Humankind needed to orient itself Continually by Signs, or by an address.
▪ In the process of being selves we tend to orient ourselves differently according to our gender.
▪ That most men orient themselves more as subjects than as citizens is a familiar theme.
overreach yourself
▪ A new generation of bankers who were not around last time will be encouraging them to overreach themselves.
▪ A truly tragic figure, Johnson had overreached himself.
▪ Did we overreach ourselves trying to build them?
▪ He left, and waited for his opponents to overreach themselves, which they proceeded to do.
▪ One lesson Athens had learnt, not to overreach herself with warfare in two theatres.
▪ Then her eating of the red apple was premature; she had overreached herself.
▪ Unlike Sting, Dylan and Bowie, Waits has never looked like a rock star overreaching himself.
owe it to yourself to do sth
▪ Do I owe it to myself to finish?
▪ For health insurance reasons you owe it to yourself to take care of your one and only body - your working machine.
▪ We owe it to ourselves to consider alternative futures, based on what we know and what we can project from that.
▪ You owe it to yourself to extract yourself from your present situation and reassess your life.
pace yourself
▪ It's a long climb, so you have to pace yourself.
▪ And scheduling meetings in ways that can help them pace themselves.
▪ Next he enlisted the help of his wife and two friends to remind him to say no more often and pace himself.
▪ Now he paced himself and took matters more steadily.
▪ Pause and pace yourself Most of us leave no time in our day for ourselves.
▪ Service was slow so we waited almost 30 minutes for our entrees-though we paced ourselves slowly through the appetizer.
▪ The lord has to learn how best to pace himself spiritually to allow this desire to integrate all his potential.
▪ The result is that post-job work-ers are going to have to learn to pace themselves.
▪ To pace yourself, doing enough to pay for a comfortable life and little enough to stay invisible.
park yourself
▪ My cat always parks herself in front of the heater.
▪ A-road architecture does not glide in silently overnight and park itself along our urban highways.
▪ Bring a picnic and park yourself in front of the Temperate House for an evening's entertainment.
▪ Connie parked herself on a white divan and poured out some black steaming liquid.
pat sb/yourself on the back
▪ She should pat herself on the back and take a well-earned break.
▪ Because when I pat myself on the back, the next sensation is usually a sharp kick lower down.
▪ Cliff Nudelman pats me on the back.
▪ Every person on the street will pat you on the back.
▪ For most of that ride it patted itself on the back.
▪ How dare she wave her bloody job at us like she wanted us to pat her on the back for it?
▪ I patted him on the back as hard as I dared but he still couldn't breathe.
▪ The manager patted Stuart on the back.
▪ This time I patted myself on the back all the way to the hotel.
perch (yourself) on sth
▪ He had perched himself on a tall wooden stool.
▪ He was perched on top of a huge cage, looking at the visitors.
▪ He went straight into the bedroom, to the wall where the painted Asiatic doll was perched on the sideboard.
▪ Her doorman was perched on a folding chair, his attention largely given over to a supermarket tabloid.
▪ It was perched on a small promontory to the east of the town, overlooking the bay.
▪ Léonie perched on the cold wet edge of the white bath and leaned forwards.
▪ Manningham perched on a black leather stool by a well-stocked bar with a large mirror behind it.
▪ Thrush-sized, it perched on a bank.
▪ Waterlogged, he perched on top of the cabin and soon gurgled his song.
perjure yourself
▪ And Mr Mitchum wouldn't perjure himself.
▪ It was true that I would never perjure myself.
pick yourself up
▪ Carol picked herself up and dusted herself off.
▪ A team in such a position is likely to find it hard to pick itself up.
▪ Although he picked himself up and walked away, he knew something was wrong.
▪ He picked himself up and staggered down a corridor.
▪ However, Grimm was already picking himself up, swearing, dusting himself off, retrieving his cap.
▪ I crashed to the ground, picked myself up, and began staggering around the car to the other side.
▪ I fell, picked myself up, lurched forward another yard or two, then fell again.
▪ Shaken and deafened, I picked myself up.
▪ Think of the toddler learning to walk and how often he falls down only to pick himself up and try again.
piss yourself (laughing)
▪ He felt very cold, and he had pissed himself.
▪ No older girl has ever pissed herself on account of Laverne before.
▪ We both pissed ourselves laughing afterwards, wondering what all the fuss was about.
play with yourself
▪ Play and Friendship Dolphins of all ages are frequently seen playing with each other.
▪ Back with the dancers, Humphreys peeled off all his clothes, started playing with himself and finally urinated on the dance-floor.
please yourself
▪ "I don't think I'll go." "Oh, well, please yourself. I'm going anyway."
▪ Oh, she would please herself, all right.
▪ She was going home to her flat to please herself for a few weeks.
▪ There was no foreman to watch over him and he could please himself when he made his walk around the yard.
▪ They must also want to please each other and help each other to find fulfilment, as well as looking for personal satisfaction.
▪ This is the first time in I-don't-know-how-many-years I can just please myself!
▪ Until I get there, though, I can please myself.
▪ We play not to please ourselves, but the listeners.
pleased with yourself
▪ After deceiving us all like that, she went away, no doubt very pleased with herself.
▪ I had made a big profit on the deal and was feeling inordinately pleased with myself.
▪ Selina looks awfully pleased with herself.
▪ Feeling pleased with herself, Loretta went back to her office.
▪ He hurried out exceedingly pleased with himself and enjoying the prospect of what promised to be a very good wrestling match.
▪ He just patted his pocket and grinned, looking awfully smug and pleased with himself.
▪ Robert the next day seemed urbane, sure of himself, even, she thought, pleased with himself.
▪ She was pleased with herself and her own calm style.
▪ Then he looked down, seemed pleased with himself, unembarrassed.
▪ This made me feel rather pleased with myself.
▪ You are pleased with yourself for venturing, testing your mettle.
plonk yourself (down)
▪ He was built like a brick shithouse and he plonked himself down right in front of the stage.
plop (yourself) down
▪ Stanley plopped down on the sofa beside me.
▪ Carefully, slowly, not at all certain why, they plopped down on to the branch.
▪ On our other side a young couple wandered by and plopped down with only a six-pack and a sleeping bag.
▪ Our friend Joan strolls into the bank and plops down $ 100 to open an account.
▪ She plopped down too much mortar, smoothed it out and set a brick on it.
▪ She plops down on the empty cot and lifts a curtain to peer out the window.
▪ The coyote returned to the barn end and plopped down in front of the crowd of llamas.
plump (yourself) down
▪ Peggy plumped down in the chair beside Otto.
plunk (yourself) down
▪ Americans love to plunk themselves down in front of the TV.
▪ I plunk down a dollar and confront my deepest fears.
▪ Marketers usually plunk down the equivalent of $ 40, 000 or so in cash, goods or services for placement.
▪ The beverage giant wants you to plunk down your money and decide for yourself.
present yourself
▪ Mendez presented himself at the Marine base in Virginia.
▪ As we reach the base, an inkling of a trail presents itself.
▪ He always presented himself as the redeemed bad boy, but it was a lie, she says.
▪ However, before competing again you must present yourself to the tournament doctor to have both the injury and your bandaging accepted.
▪ It is these patients who present themselves to the outpatient clinic.
▪ Rhetorically, he still presents himself as a supporter of bipartisanship.
▪ The rector could not avoid the thought that presented itself for consideration.
▪ Three difficulties present themselves: 1.
▪ Two immediate sets of questions present themselves about this tiny, unhappy minority of women who are imprisoned.
price yourself out of the market
pride yourself on (doing) sth
▪ As a nation we pride ourselves on our strong sense of sportsmanship and fair play.
▪ At Midland, we pride ourselves on establishing long term relationships with our customers.
▪ But then at Boots we pride ourselves on our usefulness to mums.
▪ Likud prides itself on being the party of the outsiders, and they are now a majority.
▪ The accommodation is cool and spotless and staff pride themselves on offering a warm welcome.
▪ The school prides itself on its ethnic diversity, Schaeffer said.
▪ We pride ourselves on the front seven and tackling people.
prop yourself up
▪ I propped myself up against a wall and took a deep breath.
▪ The soldier tried to prop himself up again using his crutches.
▪ Bernice propped herself up and took a bite.
▪ Brian propped himself up on his elbows, suddenly remembering that the alarm had gone off.
▪ He props himself up on one elbow.
▪ Hefinished the last rep and propped himself up on his elbows.
▪ I could see Peter shaking his head in the fairway, as he propped himself up on his sand wedge.
▪ Rufus had propped himself up on one elbow, watching.
▪ She stretched and propped herself up on an elbow, aware that something was not quite right.
▪ We're full of doubts and we try to prop each other up.
prostitute yourself
▪ He had no idea that I was prostituting myself in the cause of Jean-Claude's success.
▪ In the eyes of many Surkov was a discredited figure who had prostituted himself for privileges, such as this present trip.
▪ Stanley has told Mitch about Blanche prostituting herself.
▪ They'd imagine me prostituting myself, or on the hard stuff.
▪ Yes, I have prostituted myself for the sake of art.
prostrate yourself
▪ A man entered the room, and at once all the slaves prostrated themselves.
▪ A sudden flurry, as of a dozen Multhrops simultaneously prostrating themselves, and the doors were flung open.
▪ At Artai's back they knelt, and then prostrated themselves.
▪ He stood by Burun's side, knelt and bowed, then prostrated himself.
▪ I spun around to find that he had prostrated himself on the ground and was clasping my feet.
▪ Outside they prostrate themselves on wooden prayer beds.
▪ They came before the tent and prostrated themselves on the ground before following their chief to prison.
▪ This year, Hollywood mostly prostrated itself, hunkering down until the wind from the right blows over.
prove yourself (to be) sth
▪ Despite this, I felt it would be better to prove myself in basic training before allowing my real personality to resurface.
▪ Entrepreneur Larry Wilson defined the difference between desire and drive as the difference between expressing yourself and proving yourself.
▪ For them an elite must prove itself in this ability to murder.
▪ He was posted first to Reading, and was soon proving himself a soldier and horseman of rare incompetence.
▪ In the meantime you have to prove yourself by being extra good, and doing helpful things around the house.
▪ Outstanding Spartak have proved themselves the masters of away goals and just one tonight will seriously jeopardise Liverpool's hopes.
▪ The fourteen-year-old Gertrude was appointed as the abbess and proved herself deserving of the title.
▪ Unfortunately, molecular evidence, which has proved itself useful in other areas of disagreement, has yet to prove itself here.
prove yourself/prove something (to sb)
pull yourself together
▪ Pull yourself together - you don't want him to see you crying like that.
▪ Pull yourself together. It's ridiculous to get upset about such a silly little thing.
▪ But then she pulled herself together.
▪ Head in her hands, she tried to pull herself together.
▪ In March, 1939 I pulled myself together sufficiently.
▪ It's about time Joe pulled himself together.
▪ It took them seconds to pull themselves together and reorganize themselves.
▪ This was another occasion on which, as Margie put it, Margarett pulled herself together.
▪ Yet, again and again, now as before, the people have pulled themselves together and gotten on with life.
pull yourself up/to your feet etc
▪ Behind Duvall, Jimmy could see that Barbara was pulling herself to her feet.
▪ Granny pulled herself to her feet and tottered over to the bench, where Hodgesaargh had left his jar of flame.
▪ On March 4 she caught hold of the end of her buggy and twice pulled herself to her feet.
▪ Weary now that the excitement of the film was no longer sweeping her along, she pulled herself to her feet.
▪ Whitlock pulled himself to his feet and winced as a sharp pain shot through his left leg.
pull/haul yourself up by your bootstraps
punish yourself
▪ Do not attempt to punish yourself for not making adequate progress.
▪ Do you punish yourself or feel guilty if you fail?
▪ He himself does nothing wrong yet he still punishes himself for other's wrong doings.
▪ However, Gottlieb did not punish herself with guilt.
▪ Perhaps you felt guilty about ignoring a charity collection, and so decided to punish yourself?
▪ She was very sorry for her mistake and was therefore punishing herself by agreeing to marry him.
▪ Sometimes he punished himself when others were inclined to exonerate him.
▪ Such resistance to being well necessitated the idea of unconscious forces of guilt; the patients sought to punish themselves through illness.
put yourself about
put yourself across
put yourself out
▪ I wouldn't want to put yourself out just for me.
▪ A lot of people round here have put themselves out for me.
▪ Also, I was not keen on the prospect of putting myself out without desire.
▪ As if her father's interminable complaints were not enough, nomatterhow she put herself out to please him.
▪ I bad to ask around and write letters and put myself out to make it happen.
▪ Kept Ireland out of the war, but that doesn't mean he's putting himself out for your people.
▪ Mauve put himself out in all sorts of ways - a highly irritable man who could be expansively generous.
▪ They put themselves out of reach.
▪ You got ta put yourself out, at risk.
range yourself with/against sb/sth
realign yourself with sb
▪ The inquisitive Warlord turned to realign itself with its mechanical peers which strode onward together in line abreast, to massacre Marines.
redeem yourself
▪ The Bears will have a chance to redeem themselves in Saturday's game.
▪ A state lawmaker wants death-row inmates to have a chance to redeem themselves and help their fellow man.
▪ Gerrard then redeemed himself with a double save.
▪ He redeemed himself by sending over a good cross for P Reid to put the Olympic in front.
▪ Now he has redeemed himself in overseeing her recovery.
▪ The only way we could redeem ourselves was by getting out of the first round.
▪ There was a sense of we had to come back and redeem ourselves.
▪ You must, in short, become a born-again consumer, redeem yourself, and find peace.
reinvent yourself
▪ Madonna kept winning new fans as she reinvented herself.
▪ By remixing and adding new parts to certain sections they have successfully managed to reinvent themselves.
▪ City, state and federal governments reinvent themselves, scaling back, spending less on human services.
▪ In this fast-changing environment, several commercial on-line services are trying to reinvent themselves.
▪ New skills can increase personal satisfaction Women in particular are susceptible to believing that improving their appearance can help them reinvent themselves.
▪ Simply put, 88open either has to reinvent itself or hang it up.
▪ The company intends to reinvent itself from a leading distributor of on-line content into primarily a developer of on-line content.
▪ The emphasis can only grow as even large companies are forced to reinvent themselves along more entrepreneurial, internet-enabled lines.
▪ They reinvent themselves, often without a model for their paternal roles.
relieve yourself
▪ After rolling on the sand in excruciating pain until stars lit up the sky, he relieved himself for a good half-hour.
▪ By releasing it into the world, he relieved himself and taunted the fates to punish him.
▪ Cocaine users often feel as though they need the drug to relieve themselves of the tired feeling and to function normally.
▪ Missus Hall would relieve herself on old newspapers in the alleyways on Central Avenue.
▪ On average, young puppies may relieve themselves about six times a day.
▪ The corollary is that acquiring an addiction is tantamount to relieving oneself of personal responsibility.
▪ Threlfall turned his back and waited for the man to finish relieving himself.
▪ When their overlords came out to relieve themselves in the snow, the serfs collected the urine to drink.
reproach yourself
▪ He reproached himself for not having called police sooner.
▪ There's no point in reproaching yourself - there's nothing you could have done.
▪ And then, again, she reproached herself for unfairness.
▪ He reproached himself for not having thought of something before.
▪ He marked this trespass into the private clubhouse of cynicism and reproached himself for it.
▪ I have no doubt Margaret reproached herself, - perhaps still does.
▪ Oh, vanity, vanity! she thought, reproaching herself.
▪ The rest of us were left to reproach ourselves for what had happened.
▪ They chivvy and reproach each other as we eat.
▪ You and Fred have nothing to reproach yourselves with.
resign yourself to (doing) sth
▪ He seems to have resigned himself to living without her.
▪ Adair, who loves Virgilia, resigns himself to be her confidant and Fergus' mentor.
▪ Finally I resign myself to the truth: Anne Frank is dead, she will never write anything else.
▪ He had resigned himself to it.
▪ I resign myself to being among them soon enough.
▪ I resigned myself to merciless stick over the coming week.
▪ I never particularly relished torture, but I resigned myself to it when I arrived in Algiers...
▪ Lucille had seen the Prince's arrival and hasty departure, and had resigned herself to Sharpe's absence.
▪ Lydia was resigning herself to a long stretch of celibacy.
restrict yourself/sb to (doing) sth
▪ But some states have restricted access to medications.
▪ Even if you have restricted access to kids-only Internet sites and chat rooms, kids can still do it.
▪ Note, we do not restrict player A to use a linear strategy.
▪ Scarlet was enormously prestigious: the thirteenth-century sumptuary laws of the kingdom of Castile and Leon restricted its use to the king.
▪ She spent time with her friends and restricted herself to ten minutes on the perfection of Lucy.
▪ The funds do not, in practice, restrict themselves to big companies.
▪ We ow restrict our attention to simple pencils, where symmetric or not.
retreat into yourself/your shell/fantasy etc
▪ I retreated into my shell, being painfully shy in the first place.
reverse yourself
▪ But new policies, like huge airplanes hurtling down a runway, do not reverse themselves.
▪ He asked the council to reverse itself on the variance, which it did.
▪ He gripped her and swung her over, reversing himself along her body.
▪ In the past the senator has supported these programs, but last year he reversed himself.
▪ It would mean reversing himself on three points: price reform, budget discipline and privatisation of land and property.
▪ Now, Virginians seem to have reversed themselves.
▪ Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, reversing himself after days of criticism, Friday said he would continue to lead the Whitewater investigation.
▪ This quickly reverses itself into cabinet control.
rupture yourself
say to yourself
▪ "Face it, Jack, you're getting old," he said to himself.
▪ Another few weeks, he says to himself, and every morning will be like this one.
▪ His wife, Tess said to herself.
▪ I said to myself that the world is revolting and man is pitiful.
▪ I said to myself: ridiculous.
▪ Just look at him, Blue says to himself.
▪ The worm will turn, he said to himself silently.
▪ We think, but we don't really know what they were saying to each other behind closed doors.
seat yourself (in/on/beside etc sth)
▪ At two o'clock she seated herself at a window-table in a restaurant overlooking the Nile, near where the houseboat was moored.
▪ Hardin noted that thoughtfully and seated himself wearily in a corner just as far from the other five as possible.
▪ He seated himself at one end, and Emily sat beside him.
▪ He watched Ewen steadily, while the constable, who had seated himself at the kitchen table, was taking notes.
▪ She seated herself in a wicker chair and took her mug without speaking.
▪ She seats herself, opens it, begins to play.
▪ The pupils seat themselves in a square representing the doctor's office.
▪ Watson, and seat yourself precisely as you were overnight.
sell yourself
▪ If you want a promotion, you've got to sell yourself better.
▪ Don't be negative or apologetic - remember you're selling yourself, and should highlight your good points.
▪ For the candidate the same basic rules of selling yourself apply as for one-to-one interviews.
▪ Let the kids sell themselves the way the schools peddle their athletic programs.
▪ Now it is selling itself as the natural arena for developing companies in the new Länder.
▪ She was going to sell herself - she has sold herself by now - and would have sold me - for supper.
▪ So I don't sell myself to him.
▪ Still, one could not help but feel that with Last Supper Frank had sold himself short.
▪ You will be choosing the organization and then selling yourself to them, rather than relying solely upon answering newspaper advertisements.
set yourself against (doing) sth
▪ But pop sets itself against nature and abandons wisdom for folly, moments of dissipation.
▪ She leaned into him, set herself against him.
▪ The three Established Church representatives set themselves against; the other four who were Free Churchmen were for it.
▪ Why has the Supreme Court set itself against the will of the majority on such an unprecedented scale?
set yourself up as sth
▪ After all, she was the one who'd set herself up as Jett's little helper.
▪ Everyone thinks he can set himself up as a dramatic critic.
▪ He set himself up as a one-man cult.
▪ It's not that he wishes to set himself up as a leader.
▪ Roads and Traffic in Urban Areas has, by its own proclamation, set itself up as the Bible for traffic planners.
▪ She was too young to be setting herself up as the devoted handmaiden to the great man.
▪ Why do they set themselves up as tradesmen if that's all they're going to do?
shit yourself
▪ Fact is, comin' here from the fence I fuckin' near shit myself each time you stopped.
▪ He shits himself each day that they will send him there.
▪ To shit oneself is to admit existence.
shoot yourself in the foot
▪ If we just let him keep talking, pretty soon he's going to shoot himself in the foot.
▪ Once again, the government has shot itself in the foot -- this time by reducing widows' pensions.
▪ A classic case of shooting ourselves in the foot, the chairman, Sir Alan Cockshaw, admitted ruefully yesterday.
▪ But at the end of the day, they could end up shooting themselves in the foot.
▪ Conceptually, the worst crime committed here is that the story shoots itself in the foot by making the political too personal.
▪ He certainly shot himself in the foot, pulling out of Glastonbury and playing Finsbury Park.
▪ Men shot themselves in the foot, like in wartime.
▪ So they shot themselves in the foot.
▪ This is another classic example of our ability to shoot ourselves in the feet.
▪ Yet when Labour's prospects are rosiest, it always seems to shoot itself in the foot.
shut yourself away
▪ She shut herself away in her room to work on her novel.
▪ Adolph wouldn't want you shutting yourself away.
▪ And others were so deeply affected that they withdrew from the community, shutting themselves away in their homes.
▪ From there he moved on to Edinburgh, and finally shut himself away in his much embellished palace of Falkland to die.
▪ Not a good idea to shut yourself away like this once you got a bit older, thought Meredith.
▪ She should never have shut herself away in that dreadful place.
▪ You could shut yourself away in this garret all day and never come down.
shut yourself in (sth)
▪ Before every game, he shuts himself in his office for an hour and pores over the scouting reports.
▪ Finally she shut herself in the attic room on Ella's day off and sobbed until she ached in body and soul.
▪ Fuming, Christopher shut himself in the house.
▪ Saturday I went again, but she shut herself in her room.
▪ She shut herself in out of the drizzling rain, and expressed her delight with everything.
▪ She took one out and carried it up to her bedroom and shut herself in.
▪ She took the report, told them all where to find her if necessary and shut herself in her office.
▪ So Ellie darted back to her room, and shut herself in, her heart pounding.
shut yourself off
▪ He shuts himself off from his two young daughters and composes laments to his dead wife.
▪ I shut myself off from the female race and channelled all my energy into my work.
▪ Students who avoid learning even the basics can shut themselves off from important sources in the field.
smarten yourself up
▪ Smarten up! It's time for inspection.
▪ Jeremy, go smarten yourself up before dinner.
▪ She's smartening herself up in the ladies' room.
speak for yourself
▪ "We're not interested in going to the game." "Hey, speak for yourself."
▪ Facts should normally be allowed to speak for themselves: to spell out a conclusion may spell danger.
▪ In this oracular role, though, she does not speak for herself.
▪ Let these facts speak for themselves: By the time Barbie was invented, I was too old for dolls.
▪ Nevertheless, this is an ultimately inspiring study of prisoners speaking for themselves.
▪ That rather speaks for itself. 6.
▪ The alacrity with which northerners enlisted for military service whenever warfare flared up on the Border speaks for itself.
▪ The arrangement seemed to speak for itself: Alice, the true love.
▪ Yet the belief that a videotape somehow speaks for itself persisted.
spread yourself too thin
▪ BHart said the organization, though well-intentioned, might be spreading itself too thin.
steel yourself
▪ I had to steel myself before I could tell her about the accident.
▪ Jim steeled himself for a fight.
▪ She steeled herself to look at the body again.
▪ And now he must steel himself to face a future without both his parents.
▪ He stood straight and still, breathing hard as if he were steeling himself to do something.
▪ I steel myself to look them in the eyes.
▪ I steeled myself, reached all the way in, and unlocked the door.
▪ She had been expecting changes and had steeled herself not to resent them.
▪ The small staff of doctors, nurses and psychotherapists is steeling itself for an expected 100 percent increase in clients next year.
▪ To steel himself, he served as a witness at two state executions.
stuff yourself
▪ I watched Claude stuff himself into his trousers.
▪ She so obviously hadn't given up stuffing herself with Salmon's cream buns.
▪ The naan bread was big; we'd both stuffed ourselves with it during the meal but it was still big.
▪ The Scarecrow stuffed himself with fresh straw and Dorothy put new paint on his eyes that he might see better.
▪ We do know that some people stuff themselves with fiber and still get cancer.
▪ We laugh as we stuff ourselves with bouillabaisse.
▪ When I first started thinking about Christmas, I decided to spend it alone and stuff myself with food.
▪ Your son knows where it comes from even if he doesn't take the stuff himself.
style yourself sth
submerge yourself in sth
▪ Alice submerged herself in work to try and forget about Tom.
▪ He preferred, he said, to submerge himself in the urban swill, or be in deep country.
▪ Often, departing high-level administration types go teach dry government courses or submerge themselves in think tanks.
▪ She looked into his dark eyes and submerged herself in the bliss of being flattered.
▪ With resigned disgust, Alice lay back, submerging herself in the only softness available at that time-the pillow.
suit yourself
▪ A visitor or resident may move a small table to suit themselves - it could mean a broken hip for another resident.
▪ And not betraying the past, either, not rewriting our private history to suit herself.
▪ Casual or classically smart, there are spots, stripes and bold blocks of vibrant colour so you really can suit yourself!
▪ I choose my assignments to suit myself.
▪ In a strange kind of way, they suited each other.
▪ Of course as the interviewer you basically arrange the interview to suit yourself.
▪ Once the pair has been installed in the breeding tank, they will begin to alter the decor to suit themselves.
▪ You may suit yourself on that one!
sun yourself
▪ But a srnall gator sunned himself on a bank, an egret leaned forward knee-deep in the standing pool.
▪ Even the life-giving sun itself is being accused and feared like a violent criminal on the loose.
▪ It was sunning itself on the path.
▪ It was true there were many snakes there on hot days sunning themselves but that did not worry him.
▪ Lee Ann took all her clothes off and lay down to sun herself on the flying bridge.
▪ Red jungle fowl, the ancestors of all our domestic chickens, sun themselves on the edge of the forest.
▪ Redlands Here you can relax in a pine lodge overlooking a lovely garden, or sun yourself on the semi-circular sun terrace.
▪ They like to sun themselves on pavement too hot to walk on in shoes.
sure of yourself
▪ Go ahead and try, if you're so sure of yourself.
▪ He sounded so sure of himself that I didn't bother to argue.
▪ Jenny was younger than her sister but seemed much more sure of herself.
▪ Gentiles resented the trekkers, but the Saints grew ever more sure of themselves.
▪ He's all mixed up and dead sure of himself.
▪ He was just too beautiful, too confident, too sure of himself.
▪ Nephthys was younger than her brother, but seemed older, and more sure of herself.
▪ Robert the next day seemed urbane, sure of himself, even, she thought, pleased with himself.
▪ She is utterly fearless and sure of herself, small in stature but large in moxie.
▪ The children were hardly children, so capable and sure of themselves were they.
▪ We no longer are so sure of ourselves or of our past.
surround yourself with sb/sth
▪ Surrounding himself with capable men, Romero worked hard to achieve his goals.
▪ Along the way, Gosman has surrounded himself with former Mediplex executives at PhyMatrix.
▪ Dole surrounded himself with young people, a major contrast to his usual entourage of dark-suited politicians.
▪ In many species the basic unit is the harem, with one dominant male surrounding himself with a number of breeding females.
▪ It has surrounded itself with a region from which nothing - absolutely nothing - can escape.
▪ Special treat: surrounding themselves with plastic ship models and watching Tora!
▪ Territorials surround themselves with briefcases, calendars, and large bushy plants.
▪ The president managed, as always, to surround himself with beautiful women at dinner.
take it upon/on yourself to do sth
▪ He didn't dare take it upon himself to enlighten her further.
▪ He might be unwelcome, but he had taken it upon himself to come on over the first moment he heard.
▪ If we want our children to know certain information, perhaps we should take it upon ourselves to teach them.
▪ It is a dangerous path, however, when the executive takes it upon itself to qualify Parliament's decisions.
▪ Many problems can be prevented if you take it upon yourself to keep the lines of communication clear.
▪ Pius took it upon himself to proclaim the Dogma of the Assumption.
▪ Sir Herbert Morgan took it upon himself to act as chairman of an unofficial committee to help realise the three-year project.
▪ So I took it upon myself to tell her, old nosey-parker that I am.
talk to yourself
▪ "What did you say?" "Nothing, I was just talking to myself."
▪ Betty was talking to herself under her breath as she worked.
▪ I think he's going crazy - he talks to himself all the time.
▪ A system is anything that talks to itself.
▪ And, as he played, he seemed to talk to himself under his breath.
▪ Clients are often totally unaware of how negatively they may be talking to themselves, anticipating failure and minimizing success.
▪ Googol talked to himself in a muffled manner or merely droned - hard to say which - whenever he was in space.
▪ He walked along talking to himself.
▪ It was funny, she was sort of talking to herself.
▪ They drank their tea and did not talk to each other.
▪ We continually talk to ourselves about them, losing force all the time, and feel that we are very badly treated.
tart yourself up/get tarted up
tell yourself sth
think for yourself
▪ 'You're going to have to start thinking for yourself,' said David sternly.
▪ I try to encourage my students to think for themselves.
▪ Parents should encourage their children to think for themselves.
▪ The purpose of this question is to force students to think for themselves.
▪ And you learn about the real necessity of acting and thinking for yourself.
▪ Authority can be mistaken and it can cover up ignorance with prestige and prevent people from thinking for themselves.
▪ Characters have stopped thinking for themselves...
▪ He did not seem able to deal with anyone who wished to work from understanding, or able to think for himself.
▪ My aims include encouraging pupils to think for themselves and to choose their own methods of working.
▪ Tanya insists on moving in many circles and, above all, on thinking for herself.
▪ This problem is not discussed in the text; the purpose of this question is to force students to think for themselves.
▪ You have to think for yourself, David told him.
think only of yourself
▪ No, they think only of themselves.
▪ Why am I thinking only of myself?
throw yourself at sb
▪ Could you believe how Diana threw herself at Eric?
▪ Ace threw herself at the speeder controls, stamping on the throttle override while wrenching the steering column forward.
▪ Alyson throws herself at all angles on the big couch.
▪ By holding back, pretending concern, he'd made her practically throw herself at him.
▪ I throw myself at this Azadi and we wrestle like children in the mud.
▪ Moravcik sent over another delicious corner, which Stilian Petrov threw himself at to score.
▪ She's throwing herself at that man, making a complete fool of herself.
▪ She had no urge whatever to throw herself at Mitch.
▪ You put him in a situation where women are throwing themselves at him.
throw yourself at/on/into/down etc
▪ At this stage, the urge to do something was unfocused, but it was extraordinary how people threw themselves into it.
▪ Grief-stricken, he threw himself on her..
▪ He kicked it in, threw himself on the floor and rolled under the bed.
▪ I threw myself down on the bed and sobbed bitterly.
▪ I threw myself into organising the funeral, picking out the music I wanted played.
▪ Like Billy McFadzean who in 1916 threw himself on two bombs to save his comrades in the trenches of the Somme.
▪ They threw themselves down on the street or took shelter behind cars and in doorways.
▪ You put him in a situation where women are throwing themselves at him.
throw yourself into sth
▪ Since her husband died, she's thrown herself into her work.
▪ He must throw himself into his work, forget her.
▪ He tried for years without success until finally, in utter despair, he threw himself into the kiln.
▪ Luckily, the boys heard the scuffle and ran out to throw themselves into the fray.
▪ Margarett threw herself into the trip.
▪ Mary was so chagrined that she threw herself into a life of promiscuity.
▪ She took the report, went out into the department and threw herself into her work with tight-lipped determination.
▪ This caused such a stir that Harrison threw himself into the cause of medical reform.
▪ To keep things together, he threw himself into his work.
throw yourself on sb's mercy
▪ For a craven moment she was tempted to go back and throw herself on the mercy of the landlady.
▪ I would throw myself on the mercy of the circuit-house, usually reserved for traveling politicians and sundry bigwigs.
▪ You're so sweet I just wanted to throw myself on your mercy and beg you to help me.
tie yourself (up) in knots
▪ Sharon has tied herself up in knots worrying about her job.
top yourself
▪ Alas, I felt the need to top myself each time out.
▪ Silent Scream attempts to do the same for Larry Winters, a Glaswegian murderer who waxed poetic behind bars before topping himself.
unburden yourself (to sb)
▪ George dropped his hands from his face, and very quickly realized that the young man was longing to unburden himself.
▪ He had been feeling guilty and needed to unburden himself.
▪ It was as if Jack was preparing to unburden himself, to share his secrets with her.
▪ Nevertheless, I feel the need to unburden myself in print.
▪ Sometimes he would have liked to unburden himself to somebody, but his officers and men had their own problems.
▪ The laibon now begins to unburden himself.
▪ To unburden themselves of arranging and directing these tasks, grieving families turn to funeral directors.
unsure of yourself
▪ At first, Chris seemed nervous and unsure of herself.
▪ He was only 21 and still very unsure of himself with girls.
▪ Dole often seemed frustrated and unsure of himself as Democrats blocked many of the bills he tried to move through Congress.
▪ He had lost many of the people who mattered to him, and he was unsure of himself and his abilities.
▪ His team at times looked flustered, lost on defense and unsure of itself on offense.
▪ Instead, they are weak and unsure of themselves.
▪ Like many men, deep down he was unsure of himself.
▪ None of us knew what to expect; we all felt somewhat unsure of one another.
▪ Whereas she had once felt confident, now she felt unsure of herself in this new role.
▪ Woil looked around him and seemed suddenly confused and unsure of himself.
what have you got to say for yourself?
what to do with yourself
▪ I don't know what to do with myself.
▪ Once at the top, he had no idea what to do with himself.
▪ Still, it didn't take me long to make up my mind what to do with myself.
▪ Wade stopped and waited, not sure what to do with himself.
work yourself into a frenzy/panic/state etc
▪ A 16-year-old girl works herself into a frenzy of grief for a friend killed by right-wing vigilantes.
▪ I could see at once he was working himself into a panic about it all.
▪ I knew I was working myself into a state, but I kept on staring at the picture of the dead girl.
▪ It was silly to work himself into a state like this.
▪ Make sure that the horse stays calm and does not work himself into a frenzy.
▪ You're working yourself into a state.
work/drive/run yourself into the ground
▪ But don't drive yourself into the ground.
▪ I've already explained to you how I've worked myself into the ground setting up the interview.
▪ I tried working myself into the ground, but I could be totally exhausted and still remember.
▪ Mitchell and White ran themselves into the ground and Nicky Summerbee tried everything he could to get a goal.
▪ They ran themselves into the ground, ran Chesterfield off the pitch, but they couldn't get another goal.
wrench yourself away/free
▪ Adam closed the front door and stood there for a moment as if he could not wrench himself away.
▪ Claws snagged on the photographer's clothing, but he managed to wrench himself away.
▪ Without you white birds would wrench themselves free from my paintings and fly off dripping blood into the night.
you can't hear yourself think
▪ If you want something done right, you'd better do it yourself.
▪ It must be true - you told me so yourself.
▪ This is the perfect suit for a businessman such as yourself, sir.
▪ You'll hurt yourself if you're not careful.
▪ You can make yourself a cup of coffee.