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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Youngish \Young"ish\, a. Somewhat young.


a. Somewhat young.


adj. somewhat young

Usage examples of "youngish".

The clerk was a youngish woman, in a hippie-like floor-length gown, flowered and swirling, in the Pre-Raphaelite style affected by some Anachronist women for street wear.

Near the front of the audience, a youngish man in an alpaca cardigan and hopsack slacks sprang to his feet.

A face swam out of memory: Vur Bract, a youngish man with a bent for merchantry.

A youngish woman raised her yashmak and spat a fair gob among chicken-innards.

And Conway, equally youngish but not young either, much more an impassioned, straight-faced square, spouting his truths, somewhat pedantically.

Some ineffectual snorting sounds came from their master, a middle-aged man with a basin-cut hairdo and a face like a cliffside, who apparently thought he was controlling his charges when finally one lay and the other sat tensely, both with snarls locked in their throats, the bullterrier with teeth bared at a calico cat a youngish couple had wedged between them.

Signy watched and gnawed her lip nervously, glanced aside as a civ came up to her, youngish, darkly aquiline, bearing a tablet and looking like business in his neat blue suit.

With the binocs I could see that he looked youngish, under forty, over twenty-five.

He was a youngish man, With large features and hornrimmed glasses, his rough English-cut clothes hanging loosely over his broad, spare frame.

At that moment a youngish man came up behind him, drew the blade from a swordstick, and stabbed him half a dozen times through and through.

Yet the speaker was a youngish, feminine-looking man of about thirty, notable for his beardlessness, in the crowded circle of bearded and moustachioed Californians, and had been one of the most absorbed of the enthusiastic audience.

At the controls sat a youngish man in no sort of uniform, and beside him sat an older man in cleanish overalls with grease on his fingers.

I was hoping for a mild, doubtful liberal, possibly a youngish woman, who would give a sermon about, say, asylum seekers and economic migrants, or maybe the National Lottery and greed, and then apologize for bringing up the subject of God.

Two youngish, soft-looking men, naked except for grey towels round their waists, were playing gin rummy at a deal table near the entrance.

A pair of golfers are enjoying tall beers, and there's a bright new television turned to the golfing channel, and there's a youngish man talking on a cell phone, looking like the prototypical golf pro.