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Yorkshire pudding

Yorkshire \York"shire\, n. A county in the north of England.

Yorkshire grit, a kind of stone used for polishing marble, and copperplates for engravers.

Yorkshire pudding, a batter pudding baked under meat.

Yorkshire pudding

Yorkshire pudding is an English dish made from batter consisting of eggs, flour, and milk or water. The dish is sometimes served with beef and gravy and is a staple of the traditional British Sunday roast. It may also be served as a dessert.

Originally the Yorkshire pudding was eaten on its own as a first course with thick gravy to fill the appetite with the low-cost ingredients so that one would not eat so much of the more expensive meat in the following course. An early recipe appeared in Alexander Cassey's The Whole Duty of a Woman in 1737.

Usage examples of "yorkshire pudding".

Given the nature of the hotel I'd expected the menu to feature items like brown Windsor soup and roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, but of course things have moved on in the hotel trade.

Bellerby served a large, round Yorkshire pudding to each of them and poured a pool of gravy into it from a quart size enamel jug.

The Yorkshire pudding had the consistency of a marathon runner's insole.

There's nothing more genuine than a good old Yorkshire Pudding that's risen in the oven, all fluffy and crisp outside.

Well, it would be something to ruminate over with his roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.

This was the month of March, so we had roast parsnips with our beef as well as roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding.