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Yol is a 1982 Turkish film directed by Yılmaz Güney. The screenplay was written by Güney, and it was directed by his assistant Şerif Gören, who strictly followed Güney's instructions, as Güney was in prison at the time. Later, when Güney escaped from prison, he took the negatives of the film to Switzerland and later edited it in Paris. As a result, the film was selected as the Swiss entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 55th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.

The film is a portrait of Turkey in the aftermath of the 1980 Turkish coup d'état: its people and its authorities are shown via the stories of five prisoners given a week's home leave. The film has caused much controversy in Turkey, and was banned until 1999 due to Yılmaz Güney's involvement rather than its content.

Usage examples of "yol".

I was under the impression that yol were to return also--that to locate your brother was your sole reason for coming to London, and that once you had found him you would return.

They were an indigenous people, and called themselves the bandar yol inoie, which meant the forest folk.

If yol purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book is stolen property.