Yernagudem is a village located in the Devarapalle mandal, West Godavari District. It is a small village located 32 km from Rajumundry and 22 km from Nidadavolu. It is known for its paddy ( rice), sugar cane and tobacco crops. It is situated on the Highway connecting Rajahmundry and Vijayawada. The village has an "intersection of Roads" which lead to Rajahmundry in the East, Eluru in the West, Jangareddyguem in the North and Nidadavole in the South and it is where the Center (Commercial Market Place) of the village is situated. There is a nice Bus Complex in the Center area. There are some good educational institutions situated in the village like St. Joseph's EM High School run by the RCM Missionaries, Government institutions SBGRZP High School, MPP School etc.