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yerba santa

n. 1 Any of a group of plants native to southwestern North America. (taxlink Eriodictyon californicum species noshow=1) or other species in the genus ''Eriodictyon'', which have traditionally been used medicinally. 2 hoja santa, a Central American plant with sweet-scented leaves used to flavor food, (taxlink Piper auritum species noshow=1).

yerba santa

n. viscid evergreen shrub of western United States with white to Deep lilac flowers; the sticky aromatic leaves are used in treating bronchial and pulmonary illnesses [syn: Eriodictyon californicum]

Yerba santa

Yerba santa or hierba santa , meaning "sacred herb" in Spanish, can refer to:

  • Hoja santa (Piper auritum)
  • Species of the genus Eriodictyon, including Eriodictyon californicum and Eriodictyon crassifolium

Usage examples of "yerba santa".

The smell of hot metal was quickly lost beneath the aromas of laurel, ceanothus and minty yerba santa crushed beneath the wheels.

The air was no longer heavy with the perfume of roses and orange-blossoms, but came to their nostrils laden with the pungent odors of yerba santa and greasewood and sage.