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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Yelp \Yelp\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Yelped; p. pr. & vb. n. Yelping.] [OE. yelpen, [yogh]elpen, to boast, boast noisily, AS. gielpan, gilpan, gylpan; akin to OHG. gelph arrogant: cf. Icel. gj[=a]lpa to yelp. Cf. Yap.]

  1. To boast. [Obs.]

    I keep [care] not of armes for to yelpe.

  2. To utter a sharp, quick cry, as a hound; to bark shrilly with eagerness, pain, or fear; to yaup.

    A little herd of England's timorous deer, Mazed with a yelping kennel of French curs?

    At the least flourish of a broomstick or ladle, he would fly to the door with a yelping precipitation.
    --W. Irving.


n. The act of producing a yelp. vb. (present participle of yelp English)


n. a sharp high-pitched cry (especially by a dog) [syn: yelp]

Usage examples of "yelping".

Imbri sent, her dreamlet showing the monster yelping as he got toasted on the rump by a burning brand.

And instead of the deadly silence the whole place rang with the sound of happy roarings, brayings, yelpings, barkings, squealings, cooings, neighings, stampings, shouts, hurrahs, songs and laughter.

When we left them, she was still yelping and trying to get those scarlet puffers out of her dress.

He could hear Spunky yelping inside the house, and he knew that if Kat had heard him calling for her, she would have come out to meet him.

Aeriel thought she heard wailling, strange yelping and belling in the distance behind, but that noise, too, faded hastily away.

He sprang after it, splashing, and the yelping herd of beastlike men were all over him.

But old Howie Brindle kept bounding tirelessly, sweating, laughing, yelping, making great saves and going high for the kill.

After the first wave of riders came another of those on mules and donkeys moving more slowly but making as much noise and immediately after them came a swarming mob of running, howling foot soldiers, mingled with whom were women and shrieking children, and dozens of yelping dogs, scrawny yellow curs with long whippy tails and ridges of standing hair running down their skeletal backbones.

He can hear the noise of the Strip a block away: high-db rock music with yelping electronic toms and seismic bass, obbligato horn honks from the traffic jam, a volley of mystifying animalian howls.

The boarhounds leaped yelping and biting in a mob around the dead boar, but they slunk back, whimpering, ears pinned down, as Prince Sanglant laid about him with his fist, battering them back as if he were the beast being hunted.

So we rolled, barking and yelping, into Kalka for lunch, and Garm ate enough for two.

Perhaps he would not have fallen, but the Pomeranian, which had leaped into the hold after him, yelping like a terrier at a rat hunt, ran between his legs and tripped him.

Maya was yelping now, each sharp cry punctuated by the resounding echo of a crisp slap as I smacked the quivering, blushing bottom mercilessly.

The chief hairy-faces spoke softly to one another and to a few of the Stone Cookers in the forefront, and back in the crowd some of the women could be heard yelping as they separated their snarling, fighting pack dogs.

Rani seethed, nearly yelping as Garadolo left streaky fingermarks on the clean window.