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yellow root

n. perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves [syn: goldenseal, golden seal, turmeric root, Hydrastis Canadensis]

Usage examples of "yellow root".

When he was hungry, which happened once in ten hours, his knobby hand, like two fistfuls of black walnuts strung together, would reach into a slot on his right and emerge with a twisted, fleshy yellow root the size of a sweet potato.

He could still taste yellow root munched between flat-topped teeth.

As she kneaded in the condiments - tarragon, fenugreek, bits of the long yellow root she had called wild horseradish - she kept up a constant flow of banter and explanation.

A little fire smoldered and a woman was kneeling next to it, using a rock to scrape the skin off a grubby yellow root vegetable.

A minute or so later she brought it back reloaded, with fruit and a slice of roasted meat, hot and freshly cut, and a steamed yellow root that tasted like a cross between squash and carrot.