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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Already my body was beginning to feel restless: demanding reunification with the object of its yearning.
▪ Call it yearning, or more realistically call it leching or lusting.
▪ How could she feel her whole body yearning for him, when logic and reason told her that it shouldn't be?
▪ It was a yearning far more powerful than any yearning of the senses.
▪ This is a yearning which mankind insists shall be fulfilled and it has a specialised organ for doing this.
▪ We now look at the gothic exaggeration and moody drama of Victorian landscapes and we learn of their romantic yearnings.
▪ Yet despite the vibrant colours Modigliani captured something of the wistful yearning of his nature.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Yearn \Yearn\ (y[~e]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Yearned; p. pr. & vb. n. Yearning.] [Also earn, ern; probably a corruption of OE. ermen to grieve, AS. ierman, yrman, or geierman, geyrman, fr. earm wretched, poor; akin to D. & G. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms. The y- in English is perhaps due to the AS. ge (see Y-).] To pain; to grieve; to vex. [Obs.] ``She laments, sir, for it, that it would yearn your heart to see it.''

It yearns me not if men my garments wear.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English gierning, verbal noun from yearn (v.). Related: Yearningly.\n


n. 1 A wistful or melancholy longing. 2 (context archaic English) rennet vb. (present participle of yearn English)


adj. full of longing or unfulfilled desire; "those wistful little ads that the lovelorn place in the classifieds" [syn: wistful]


n. prolonged unfulfilled desire or need [syn: longing]

Yearning (album)

Yearning (1995) is a collaborative album by ambient musician Robert Rich and sarod player Lisa Moskow. It is based on the classical Indian musical form known as alap. Alap is the first and slowest section of a raga. The music on this album consists of Moskow’s sarod solos set against Rich’s classic droning ambiences.


Yearning may refer to:

  • Yearning (1964 film), a Japanese film directed by Mikio Naruse
  • Yearning (1990 film), an Armenian drama film
  • Yearning (1993 film), a Japanese film
  • Yearning (album), a 1994 album by Robert Rich and Lisa Moskow
  • Yearning (band), an atmospheric doom metal band from Finland
  • "Yearning" (song), a 1957 song by George Jones and Jeanette Hicks
Yearning (1990 film)

Yearning is 1990 an Armenian drama film based on Hrachya Kochar's novel Nostalgia. Directed by Frunze Dovlatyan.

Yearning (band)

Yearning was an atmospheric doom metal band from Finland. During its career the band released five studio albums and one demo, the latter being released while the band was still called Flegeton.

Yearning (1964 film)

is a 1964 black-and-white Japanese film drama directed by Mikio Naruse, starring Hideko Takamine and Yūzō Kayama. The film is based on a story by Naruse, with the screenplay authored by Zenzo Matsuyama.

The story centers on war-widow Reiko Morita (Hideko Takamine), who has given her best years to her late husband's family while managing their grocery. The family plots to tear down the shop and build a supermarket in its place, pushing Reiko out of the top position. As with many Naruse films, the background to the film marks a significant point of social change, in this case the arrival of modern supermarkets with their inevitable effect of driving local family grocery stores out of business.

Yearning (1993 film)

Yearning is a 1993 Japanese drama film directed by Bandō Tamasaburō V. It was entered into the 43rd Berlin International Film Festival.

Yearning (song)

"Yearning" is a duet by George Jones and Jeanette Hicks. It was released as a single on Starday Records in 1957. Although Jones had released a couple of duets with fellow Starday artist Sonny Burns, "Yearning" was the first duet to become a hit, making the Top 10.

Usage examples of "yearning".

The memory of the need in him struck like an arrow, a need deeper than his love for Alde, a wordless yearning so deeply buried he had never sensed its loss in all his aimless life.

Ready to spring the final ruse, Alec cast a yearning look toward the keep and sighed deeply.

Mr Chairman, my hope is that we make articulate the yearnings and the aspirations of the humblest of our people.

An unmistakeable yearning flooded Aurora, along with an unfamiliar hunger she could only call desire.

It is considered that the cayote, and the obscene bird, and the Indian of the desert, testify their blood kinship with each other in that they live together in the waste places of the earth on terms of perfect confidence and friendship, while hating all other creature and yearning to assist at their funerals.

Just as before, the tanned, silver-haired French expatriate stands framed in the lower corner of his window, staring out to sea like a man with an unquenchable yearning.

And they ate with gusty sighs of satisfaction, as if they had rediscovered something they had long been yearning for.

He could not imagine why this particular constellation clung with such a haunting touch of beauty about his mind, or why some passion of yearning unconfessed and throbbing hid behind the musical name.

To bring such a woman into port, even imaginatively in a story, or subconsciously in an inner life, was fulfilment of a big, fine, wholesome yearning, sacred in a way, too.

Patrick smiling happily, squatting in his nylon tent showing his kid brother a pocket-sized weather radio that was in fact a miracle, of technology, what relief in having access to detailed weather facts twenty-four hours a day 365 days a year, you have only to switch on a tiny button to hear so solemn and incantatory a recitation of simple unassailable facts beyond all human subjectivity, will, yearning.

Yes, it is good that we can keep tight rein on our animal natures, even while discoursing so frankly and provocatively as we do, about your ardent linga and my yearning yoni.

Dreedle had the unco-operative fighter-plane commander transferred to the Solomon Islands to dig graves and replaced him with a senile colonel with bursitis and a craving for litchi nuts who introduced Milo to the B-17 general on the mainland with a yearning for Polish sausage.

I most longed for at the end of the long pilgrimage I must take some day, and so as the time had elapsed which Dejah Thoris had hoped might bring you once more to her side, for she has always tried to believe that you had but temporarily returned to your own planet, I at last gave way to my great yearning and a month since I started upon the journey, the end of which you have this day witnessed.

We ranges up and down and backward and forward over the main trunk lines and the branches of the victual subject, and Mame leads the game, for she is apprised in the ramifications of grub, and the dishes she nominates aggravates my yearnings.

Haste then to give us help, for closely now Crete whispers in my ears, and all my blood Runs keen and warm for home, and I have yearning, Such yearning as I never felt before, To see again my wife, my little son, My Queen, my pretty nursling of five years, The darling of my hopes, our dearest pledge Of marriage, and our brightest prize of love, Whose parting cry rings clearest in my heart.