a. (context US English) (eye dialect of yellow English) alt. (context US English) (eye dialect of yellow English)
Usage examples of "yaller".
A man can hardly live there till next grass afore he is in the yaller leaf.
Aframericans such as quadroons, high yallers, octoroons, seal-skin browns, and mulattoes.
She kin marry dat yaller wretch, but Ah means fuh her tuh tote uh sore back when he gits uh.
People think it was my poppa I got the Santeria from, but no, it was my grandmomma, said she was Cherokee, but I had her figgered for mostly high yaller when I saw the old photographs.
George’s place, where the coloreds get their hair cut, and walked in and snatched up a razor and walked out without a howdy or a by-your-leave or a go-to-hell neither, and by the time we caught up to him, he’d done laid that old boy open like a hog, and was sitting on the porch waiting on the yaller woman to come home, so he could do the same for her.
He would walk down Gallatin Street whenever he liked, and they'd all get real respectful, and he'd have himself beautiful high yaller girls and Creole ladies instead of whores from the dance halls, and when he was through with them he'd have their blood too, and that way no one else would have them, and that way they'd never laugh at him, not like the whores used to laugh at him sometimes, in the old bad days.
I was drinking me a dram at the bar of the Yaller Dawg Saloon and Hotel, when the bar-keep says, after studying me a spell, he says: “You must be Breckinridge Elkins, of Bear Creek.
CORTEZ, PIZARRO, and WALKER were one-horse fillibusters--COLUMBUS was a four-horse team fillibuster, and a large yaller dog under the waggin.
Leastways with one of 'em -- the uppitiest yaller son-of-a-bitch you ever see.
You show me twenty-five dollars or I'll take it out from under you on my bid, you yaller dog!
If I had a yaller dog that didn't know no more than a person's conscience does I would pison him.
CORTEZ, PIZARRO, and WALKER were one-horse fillibusters--COLUMBUS was a four-horse team fillibuster, and a large yaller dog under the waggin.
This part of the Texas Hill Country has ghosts thicker than fleas on an ol' yaller dog.
You gimme any kind of a chance an' I'll do it all by myself, sick as I am, you yaller dogs!
Fields and yaller dogs and grazing goats and spring mud and tractors and barns and goat berries like stockpiles of B-B shot .