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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Yachtsman \Yachts"man\, n.; pl. Yachtsmen. One who owns or sails a yacht; a yachter.


n. (en-irregular plural of: yachtsman)

Usage examples of "yachtsmen".

The yachtsmen sailed the dragon ship into a harbor near the tip of Long Island, finding in doing so that the ship was extremely seaworthy.

It is frequently used by naval gigs which call there for officers, throwing wakes which aggravate the yachtsmen who also anchor there, or moor their craft to the docks.

Some papers printed a dramatic eyewitness story by the yachtsmen, telling how the sub had been literally ripped from end to end by the blast.

He didn't like wealthy yachtsmen who drank too much at night-time and were bleary-eyed, bloodshot and tousle-haired at the following crack of dawn.

He didn't like wealthy effete yachtsmen who wore red silk dragon Chinese dressing-gowns with a Paisley scarf to match tied negligently round the neck.

The yachtsmen and the Emperor shouted instructions, while Drew and Troy Lee watched their friend trying not to drown.