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Xie (surname)

Xie is a Chinese family name; it is estimated that there are about ten million people in China with this surname, the majority of whom live in southern China, and a 2013 study found that Xie was the 23rd most common surname in China, with 0.79% of the population having this surname. The greater majority of Xie members are also members of the Hakka people of the greater Han ethnicity.

The surname originated in two major branches: during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period, and near the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was a prominent aristocratic clan in the Eastern Jin dynasty of China. The hometown of the Xie is Kaifeng, Henan Province.

There is a less common surname with the same pronunciation but different writing (解).


Xie or Hsieh may refer to: __NOTOC__