prep. (obsolete spelling of with English)
WYTH (1250 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a Traditional and Contemporary Black Gospel format. Licensed to Madison, Georgia, USA, the station is currently owned by Craig Baker and Debra Baker. WYTH is a sister station to WKVQ 1540 AM in Eatonton, Georgia, but does not simulcast.
Usage examples of "wyth".
LORDE our heavenly father, almightie and everlastyng God, whiche hast safely broughte us to the begynnyng of thys day: defende us in the same wyth thy myghtye power, and graunte that this daie we fall into no synne, nether rune into any kinde of daunger: but that al our doinges may be ordred by thy governaunce, to doe alwayes that is rightuous in thy sighte: through Jesus Christe our Lorde.
Chaunceller, alle doctours, maistres, other graduats, alle studients, alle scholers, and alle clerkes, dwellyng within the precint of the Universite, of what condicion, ordre or degree soever they be, every dailly continuell servant to eny of theym bifore rehersed belonging, the styward of the Universite wyth their menyall men, also alle Bedells with their dailly servants and their householdes, all catours, manciples, spencers, cokes, lavenders, povere children of scolers or clerkes, within the precinct of the said Universite, also alle other servants taking clothing or hyre by the yere, half yere, or quarter of the yere takyng atte leste for the yere vi.
Thay tan hym bytwene hem, wyth talkyng hym leden To chambre, to chemne, and chefly thay asken Spyce3, that vnsparely men speded hom to bryng, And the wynnelych wyne therwith vche tyme.
The lenkthe of an eln3erde the large hede hade, The grayn al of grene stele and of golde hewen, The bit burnyst bry3t, with a brod egge As wel schapen to schere as scharp rasores, The stele of a stif staf the sturne hit bi grypte, That wat3 wounden wyth yrn to the wandez ende, And al bigrauen with grene in gracios werkes.
The tayl and his toppyng twynnen of a sute, And bounden bothe wyth a bande of a bry3t grene, Dubbed wyth ful dere stone3, as the dok lasted, Sythen thrawen wyth a thwong a thwarle knot alofte, Ther mony belle3 ful bry3t of brende golde rungen.
That other wyth a gorger wat3 gered ouer the swyre, Chymbled ouer hir blake chyn with chalkquyte vayles, Hir frount folden in sylk, enfoubled ayquere, Toreted and treleted with tryfle3 aboute, That no3t wat3 bare of that burde bot the blake broyghes, The tweyne y3en and the nase, the naked lyppe3, And those were soure to se and sellyly blered.
Bot the burde hym blessed, and "Bi this skyl" sayde: "So god as Gawayn gaynly is halden, And cortaysye is closed so clene in hymseluen, Couth not ly3tly haf lenged so long wyth a lady, Bot he had craued a cosse, bi his courtaysye, Bi sum towch of summe tryfle at sum tale3 ende.
To then Hed blizzard, Unsene Universety, Greatings, I hop you ar well, I am sending to you won Escarrina Smith, shee bath thee maekings of wizzardery but whot may be ferther dun wyth hyr I knowe not slice is a gode worker and clene about hyr person allso skilled in diuerse arts of thee howse, I will send Monies wyth hyr May you liv longe and ende youre days in pese, And oblije, Esmerelder Weatherwaxe (Mss/ wytch.