WURD is an AM radio station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It broadcasts at 900 kHz with a talk format primarily targeted to African-Americans, and is currently under the ownership of LEVAS Communications, LP.
Usage examples of "wurd".
This time Solut Mek Kem and Voskop W Wurd said the same thing together.
Pawasar Pawasar Ras and Aissur Aissur Rus spoke for the Foitani from Odern, Solut Mek Kem and a colleague named Nogal Ryn Nyr for the Great Ones, and Voskop W Wurd and his chief aide Yulvot L Reat for the Foitani from Rof Golan.
Und ich habe schon auf dem Gorsedd gestanden, bevor du geboren wurdest.
This time Solut Mek Kem and Voskop W Wurd said the same thing together.
Pawasar Pawasar Ras and Aissur Aissur Rus spoke for the Foitani from Odern, Solut Mek Kem and a colleague named Nogal Ryn Nyr for the Great Ones, and Voskop W Wurd and his chief aide Yulvot L Reat for the Foitani from Rof Golan.
O its hily morral, I spoze, when she larfs wildly and sez, "gin me the daggurs--Ile let his bowels out," or wurds to that effeck--I say, this is awl, strickly, propper I spoze?
So I sed fairnuf pal, lets see whit it can dae then, so he gose tay this shelph an gets this wee box an puts sum stuf intae it an ses sum o thae wurds an that (I wiz watchin him, ken, in case he tryd enythin, had ma sord at his throate in case he tryd tae turn me intae sumthin wee an nastie, but he didnae).