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  1. (context obsolete humorous English) (en-superlative of: wrong) v

  2. (context obsolete English) Second person singular present form of wrong.

Usage examples of "wrongest".

He is flooded at this wrongest of moments by a torrent of mysterious conflicting emotions, shame and desire, guilt and joy.

To show up late, then to say the wrongest possible thing the first time he opened his mouth - what a woeful beginning!

Harold, you picked the wrongest damn day to do this to your favorite nephew.

There was no limit to how important a visitor might be when he came at the wrong time, and tonight was the wrongest time that had ever hit the Plant.

Looking at her face, which was turned a little away from me as she spoke, at the dark lashes over the lowered eyes, the moulding at the corner of the mouth - features dear to me now, amounting to all I thought was beauty in woman - I knew she was right, though she did not know, perhaps never would, of that wrongest shape of all I had made and obstinately held to against all likelihood until it had broken my truth and fidelity and brought my world to ruin.

Nashville without noticing, they were on about the wrongest road in the country.