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wrist joint

n. a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones [syn: wrist, carpus, radiocarpal joint, articulatio radiocarpea]

Usage examples of "wrist joint".

He prodded the Duralumin wrist joint with the chewed shaft of a felt-tip pen.

Deinonychus is the name of the dinosaur that had a wrist joint that looks the same as the wing joint in the Archeopteryx, and the Archeopteryx has feathers and wings, hence is seen as the first bird.

There was enough light to see a set of fingers and a wrist joint and above that what was left of an arm leading up to some less clearly defined anatomy.

He lifted a mechanical arm, rotated the hand at the wrist joint, and stared down at it.

The robot sat on the edge of a low counter, motionless except for his left hand, rotating slowly and aimlessly at the wrist joint.

His wrist joint was no longer like the wrist joint you study on a skeleton chart in a general-biology class, more like something you might see during advanced delirium tremens while drying out from a ten-bottle bourbon hinge.

Growling a curse, he rolled his forearms, whipping the sword over, slashing its hacksaw teeth against the wrist joint.

Only a moment's touch parted the metal skin over the wrist joint, and the pressurized joint fluid spurted out of the narrow cut.

Zhaneel slicked her feathers down and turned her head until her delicate beak touched the wrist joint of her folded wing.

There are lacerations, one high on the right hind leg, another just above the wrist joint of the left fore.