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n. (plural of wriggler English)

Usage examples of "wrigglers".

About eleven the infantry began to go forward with an advance which would have astonished the martinets of Aldershot, an irregular fringe of crawlers, wrigglers, writhers, crouchers, all cool and deliberate, giving away no points in this grim game of death.

Besides, the Holy Diet must convene and declare the Wrigglers fit for Sacred Food before this can be arranged.

Actually, the best way to prepare Wrigglers is to strip, wash, and sprinkle lightly with salt before icing.

The Holy Diet convenes tomorrow and will decide if the Wrigglers are suitable for Priestess food or not.

Minuscule as the Wrigglers are, they will serve to revitalize our Sacred selves and our Fishers until new sources of supply can be discovered, perhaps in this same insignificant micro-universe.

He managed to net up three metal containers of Wrigglers, which he brought back to her like a well-trained retriever.

The occasional shallow streams we found were sparsely inhabited also, though by patient hours of fishing we came up with netfuls of bony silvery wrigglers out of which we made meals of a sort.

But the creature had pivoted around and was scampering for its burrow with tremendous speed, moving on its belly like one of those legless spiny wrigglers we had seen a little while before.

It was impossible to be precise, because the discovery that the purplish banana-shaped wrigglers and the mosquitoid creatures the size of a roc were simply sexually dimorphic versions of the same being cast doubt on all calculations.