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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wrathful \Wrath"ful\, a.

  1. Full of wrath; very angry; greatly incensed; ireful; passionate; as, a wrathful man.

  2. Springing from, or expressing, wrath; as, a wrathful countenance. ``Wrathful passions.''

    Syn: Furious; raging; indignant; resentful. [1913 Webster] -- Wrath"ful*ly, adv. -- Wrath"ful*ness, n.


adv. In a wrathful manner; with anger; angrily.


adv. in a wrathful manner; "he looked at her, not wrathfully now, but quizzically"

Usage examples of "wrathfully".

But presently, as patients arrived and, after introductions, began talking loudly to him in Chukchi, the old woman struggled wrathfully to her feet, and was helped by Viktoria to her room.

But the Emperor and Balashev passed out into the illuminated garden without noticing Arakcheev who, holding his sword and glancing wrathfully around, followed some twenty paces behind them.

Branicki looked fiercely at me, and said wrathfully that he had come to fight and not to parley.

I cried out wrathfully that I would have nothing to do with him, and slammed down my window.

But, some silken-clad smoothers, some purple parasites, some fawners in frippery, some greedy and begartered ones in gorgeous garments, he does impeach--ay, and wrathfully!

Unknown December 1941 by Lester del Rey (1915- ) Phineas Theophilus Potts, who would have been the last to admit and the first to believe he was a godly man, creaked over in bed and stuck out one scrawny arm wrathfully.

The dragon, perceiving their seeming escape, honked wrathfully and gnashed its teeth.