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contraction (context colloquial English) (contraction of would not have English)

Usage examples of "wouldna".

An old campaigner like Nicol Kyd doesna travel the roads without sundry small delicacies in his saddle-bags, for in some of these English hedge-inns a merciful man wouldna kennel his dog.

I wouldna have either Miss Jo or Mac Dubb think I meant aught amiss by not speaking.

If there was somebody undercover who'd managed 453 to infiltrate this outfit, then we wouldnae have needed you to suss out what the plan was, and there'd have been a zillion cops waitin' for them here last night.

It wouldna be amiss for Ulysses to make up a wee parcel of food for them to take for the journey home'twould save it spoiling, after all.

There's got t'be gold in sunken ships, otherwise it wouldnae be worth fighting all them sharkies and octopussies and stuff.

After all, ye wouldna put gravel into your sausage meat, would ye?