vb. (obsolete form of would English)
Usage examples of "wou'd".
I am ty'd up in Shippes and Goodes, and cou'd not doe as you did, besides the Whiche my Farme at Patuxet hath under it What you Knowe, and wou'd not waite for my com'g Backe as an Other.
There's such a Pleasure in being convinc'd by him, a Body wou'd almost beg him to go back and argue it over again.
For it is so absurd, that it might create a Laugh rather than a Sigh, You wou'd imagine it to be written, not upon a Child, but by one.
I thought it necessary to carry these Arguments very high, and, as it were, to the Fountain head, to give you the clearest Sense, how acceptable it wou'd be to me, if you would undertake what I enjoin you.
If your Letters are capable of giving me so much new Pleasure, what wou'd your Conversation do?
But I wou'd have you Observe what was told to us aboute tak'g Care whom to calle upp, for you are Sensible what Mr.
He is like to be sorry Transylvania is pass't from Hungary to Roumania, and wou'd change his Seat if the Castel weren't so fulle of What we Knowe.
I regret that he growes squeamish, as I fear'd he wou'd when I hadde him here nigh 15 Monthes, but am sensible you knowe how to deal with him.