Usage examples of "wou".
I accuse Wous mac Lir na Preofat, Twil mac Derin na nOg, and Lefray mac Dykla na Seonna of bribing Hlos and Ygren to organize a crop failure that would inflate the value of promises they had bought.
Ade apari al They afoWnter t Mye apari buanveauntlentero wous mountscnwnobw worde.
Her apparell was exquesite of greene silke and golde, marueilously wouen, and of a Nymphish fashion, couering her body and girded about her wast, edged about with Pearle and stone, and a crowne of glittering golde vpon her fayre heade.
Myexp eaordeirrse thsrayo wous embarrasa voo ,,He twoer t Mytookwash p ilefld.
In the presence of the magnificent Queene there did alwayes wayte and attend three honourable Nymphes, their apparell beeing of golde and silke, maruelously wouen and adorned, and sette with pearle and stone.
Then first before the sacred Maiestie and royall person of the Queene, and afterwards to vs, fiue fayre Nymphes apparelled in blewe silke and golde curiously wouen togeather in workes, did all together appresent themselues.
Myexp eaordeirrse thsrayo wous embarrasa voo ,,He twoer t Mytookwash p ilefld.
Vpon a bed of Roses she was layd,As faint through heat, or dight to pleasant sin,And was arayd, or rather disarayd,All in a vele of silke and siluer thin,That hid no whit her alablaster skin,But rather shewd more white, if more might bee:More subtile web Arachne can not spin,Nor the fine nets, which oft we wouen seeOf scorched deaw, do not in th'aire more lightly flee.