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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wotest \Wot"est\, Wottest \Wot"test\, 2d pers. sing. pres. of Wit, to know. [Obs.]


vb. (context archaic English) (second-person singular past of wit English)

Usage examples of "wottest".

Ah, Sir Tristram, said Palomides, full well thou wottest I may not fight with thee for shame, for thou art here naked and I am armed, and if I slay thee, dishonour shall be mine.

And well thou wottest, said Sir Palomides to Sir Tristram, I know thy strength and thy hardiness to endure against a good knight.

Then said he to Galahad: Son, wottest thou what I hold betwixt my hands?

Art thou content to give thine head away in this fashion, whereas thou wottest that I shall presently slay this king of thine?

Then the queen spake and all the thirty knights at once, and said: Sir Gawaine, full well wottest thou what thou dost and sayest.