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The Collaborative International Dictionary

World-wide \World"-wide`\, a. Extended throughout the world; as, world-wide fame.


a. (alternative spelling of worldwide English) adv. (alternative spelling of worldwide English)

Usage examples of "world-wide".

You have seen the trails of the Indian and the deer replaced by highways of steel, and upon the spots where the first immigrants corralled their wagons, and the voyagers dragged their canoes upon the reedy shore, you have seen arise great cities, centres of industry, of commerce, of art, attaining in a generation the proportions and the world-wide fame of cities that were already famous before the discovery of America.

The old local orthodoxies of behaviour, of precedence, the old accepted amusements and employments, the old ritual of conduct in the important small things of the daily life and the old ritual of thought in the things that make discussion, are smashed up and scattered and mixed discordantly together, one use with another, and no world-wide culture of toleration, no courteous admission of differences, no wider understanding has yet replaced them.

The organelles within our cells go about their business of energy exchange in an autonomous way and maintain their horizontal relationships within the framework of the world-wide Gaia system.

Unless some group establishes world-wide control and maintains that control as a bulwark against both hyperradiation and the Valerians, then billions of persons will die screaming.

As the science of industrial psychology in particular develops, we shall find all this discussion of ownership, profit, wages, finance, and accumulation, which has been treated hitherto as the primary issues of economics, falling into place under the larger enquiry of what conventions in these matters, what system of money and what conceptions of property, yield the greatest stimulus and the least friction in that world-wide system of co-operation which must constitute the general economic basis to the activities of a unified mankind.

Take the incredible, world-wide aurorae of high summer, during the planet's closest approach past tiny, fierce Waenglen's Star.

There is scarcely a religion that has not its Bahaism, its Modernists, its Brahmo Somaj, its "religion without theology," its attempts to escape from old forms and hampering associations to that living and world-wide spiritual reality upon which the human mind almost instinctively insists.

The total world-wide population of the black rhinoceros 4 probably did not exceed a few thousand individuals, and to have them still surviving here delighted Craig and made his tentative plans for the area much more viable.

If they were the world-wide net they claimed to be, there was no reason why I shouldn't wind up in New York, ready and able to blow the lid off them.

A premature detonation of the carbon cycle, which was being-or will be being-tested by the Brothers in an attempt to resist a rising underground of psi-men, threatening the world-wide dungeon they had made there.

A premature detonation of the carbon cycle, which was beingor will be beingtested by the Brothers in an attempt to resist a rising underground of psi-men, threatening the world-wide dungeon they had made there.

Her husband was at a world-wide congress of ball-bearings manufacturers in Gothenburg, Sweden, and in his absence she invited Gibreel into her apartment of stone lattices from Jaisalmer and carved wooden handrails from Kcralan palaces and a stone Mughal chhatri or cupola turned into a whirlpool bath.

Immigration authorities, the Egyptian Jama a' Islamiya (the group implicated in the World Trade Center bombing) issued a statement saying that if the Sheik was prosecuted or extradited to Egypt, they would begin a world-wide terror campaign against the United States.

Several other languages are spoken by larger numbers of people, but there is no other that has any claim to be a world-wide lingua franca.

Lovecraft has become acknowledged as a master of modern horror and a mainstream American writer second only to Poe, while his relatively small body of work has influenced countless imitators and formed the basis of a world-wide industry of books, games and movies based on his concepts.