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n. (plural of worktable English)

Usage examples of "worktables".

By the time he'd set up the charger and plugged it in, then unloaded his files and computer onto various worktables, Kate appeared in the door of the workroom.

Mirrim told her as she placed Menolly at one of the worktables along the back side of the huge cave.

It was brilliantly lit with glow baskets in each comer, in the center of the room, and smaller ones depending above the tilted worktables where apprentices and journeymen bent to tasks of copying faded record hides and newer songs.

It would certainly interfere with easy movement between the two worktables, for example.

There it was, on the floor, between the two worktables, a meter or so in front of the large robot service rack.

I seem to recall standing in the room, leaning over one of the worktables, reading over some notes--but I can't recall notes of what, and I can't tell you how long before the attack that was.

I seem to recall standing in the room, leaning over one of the worktables, reading over some notes--but I can’t recall notes of what, and I can’t tell you how long before the attack that was.