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n. (plural of workstation English)

Usage examples of "workstations".

Ogle was just in the process of computerizing his whole operation, buying big high-powered Calyx workstations from Pacific Netware, and those unsightly holes in the plaster made installation a snap.

In all that vast complex of workstations, boarding areas, launchpads, supply rooms, and communications gear, he was alone.

There was a note in the package saying that Parsons had the photos in a computer file and that any of them could be blown up on one of their Sun workstations and reprinted to whatever level of detail he wanted.

The workstations used by the analysis staff were protected in several ways to make sure they could not be turned on without authorization.

Several hours after the conclusion of the State of the Union address, at 06:00:00 GMT, a digitized chord sounded from one of the workstations, waking Otis up.

Zeldo and a couple of other slangy pizza-eating beards from America had laid claim to one end of Building 1 and set up their own little outpost of heavy metal music and novelty foam-rubber sledgehammers for pounding on their workstations when they got frustrated.

No odors, no fluids, just images on TV monitors, tracings on oscilloscopes, graphics on their Calyx workstations, and the occasional disembodied sound effect coming out of a speaker.

Machinery overloaded and exploded, workstations malfunctioned and shut down, and all through the ship the members of the crew fell to their knees, clutching at their heads as unfamiliar thoughts crashed through their minds.

People not strapped into seats clung to their workstations to avoid being dragged away.

All around him, the workstations were exploding one by one, throwing their dead operators away or blowing them apart where they sat.