n. (plural of workshop English)
Usage examples of "workshops".
At our weekly workshops, selected writers display, on an overhead projector, their developing narrative structures, then face the usual critique of their writing, design, development of character, emotional impact, attention to detail and so on, as appropriate.
Landow would have it, that the creative output, so far anyway, has been much greater than that of ordinary undergraduate writing workshops, and certainly of as high a quality.
During one of my hypertext workshops, a certain reading tension was caused when we found that there was more than one bartender in our hotel: was this the same bar or not?
Karsus wanted Candlemas to dothe friendless mage wandered the halls, laboratories, workshops, animal collections, and libraries.
The entry to the workshops and offices was in the Rue de la Federation, through a large carriage way, whence one perceived the far-spreading yard, with its paving stones invariably black and often streaked by rivulets of steaming water.
Mathieu immediately repaired to the workshops, but he could obtain no precise information respecting his threshing-machine, though he had ordered it several months previously.
Death had suddenly passed by, and all the ardent life had at once ceased, the machinery had become cold and mute, the workshops silent and deserted.
He had just returned to the factory with Denis and Beauchene, and had left his companions together for a moment, in order to go to the workshops to procure some information they required.
All the rumbling life had suddenly ceased, the machines were cold and mute, the workshops darkened and deserted.
He followed the gallery which led to the passage connecting the workshops with the private house.
Then, as she gave Alexandre his dismissal, saying that he might come on the morrow, Morange offered to show him out by way of his office and the workshops, which were still open.
Wealth inestimable is ever flowing through these workshops, and the hands that have been stained with gold-dust may, as likely as not, some day extend themselves in petition for a crust.
Opposite, the shapes of poverty-eaten houses and grimy workshops stood huddling in the obscurity.
Hereupon, what must the poor fellow do but open workshops on his own account, engage men, go about crying that his opportunity had come at last.