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working parts

n. (working part English)

Usage examples of "working parts".

Again and again, they stopped its ascent, trying unsuccessfully to smash its mechanisms, to break up its working parts.

Think of all the intricately cooperating working parts: the lens with its clear transparency, its colour correction and its correction for spherical distortion.

They checked all the working parts twice, divided up five boxes of bolts, and felt considerably safer than they had the night before.

C-3PO, still missing most of his outer skin, his working parts clearly visible, followed along, pointing out missed patches, giving unsolicited opinions and bits of advice.

A tank without things stowed just so, and with working parts dirty and poorly maintained, is a tank waiting for breakdown or blowup.

Upon the mechanical pencil, whose working parts provided a fine adjustment, she began assembling a tiny, odd-looking contrivance.

As we went on, he became less and less like a man for me, with a skin and working parts, and more and more like a gigantic tangle of string, which I was doomed as if by enchantment to try every day to unravel.

At least the explosion, whatever it was, hadn't damaged the working parts of the ship.

Unfortunately, given how I was feeling, a gun with only a few working parts was all I could handle.

But long since the elements, laughing, had frozen all the carefully oiled working parts.

All working parts of the fusion-powered fans and compressors, as well as the pump that sucked the crop into ex­.

It was here, even more than in the working parts of the ship, that the difference between himself and these men showed up most.