Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. records kept of activities involved in carrying out a project; "the auditor was required to produce his working papers"
a legal document giving information required for employment of certain people in certain countries [syn: work papers, work permit]
Usage examples of "working papers".
The latter was replete with uniformed guards who scrutinized everyone's working papers and searched all bags and bulging pockets when the employees left for the day.
It takes six months for you to get working papers that will permit you to get employment, but you can live on welfare until then with no hassle.
He wanted to tell her about Kathleen's working papers, which he did at unnecessary length.
The other items on the desk were Riesling's Russian working papers and identity card and a manila envelope containing some six thousand rubles and several hundred dollars in American bills.
Either Walter had kept that part of his working papers elsewhere, or the unknown who had removed the pages from the genealogy had made a clean sweep of the source material as well.
It's possible to buy blackmarket working papers and a residency permit here if you can afford it, and Kostia could afford it.
Lifting the lid, he looked down once more at the weapons used, the passports and working papers, the meager items he had stripped from their rooms.
If he left them out to be preserved in the church, like all the other ancient manuscripts, some cleric would think it was nothing but working papers or scrap and would throw it away.