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interj. 1 Expressing happiness or approval. 2 (misspelling of hoot English) (misspelling of w00t English) An exclamation of joy or excitement.


Woot is an American Internet retailer based in the suburb of Carrollton, Texas in Dallas. Founded by electronics wholesaler Matt Rutledge, it debuted on July 12, 2004. Woot's main web site generally offers only one discounted product each day, often a piece of computer hardware or an electronic gadget. Other Woot sites offer daily deals for t-shirts, wine, children's items, household goods, and two other sites that offer various items. On June 30, 2010, Woot announced an agreement to be acquired by

Woot (disambiguation)

Woot is an e-commerce retailer.

Woot may also refer to:

  • WOOT-LP, a television station licensed to serve Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • Worldwide Online Olympiad Training, a program for gifted high school mathematics students
  • Woot the Wanderer, a character who appears in L. Frank Baum's novel The Tin Woodman of Oz
  • Woot., abbreviation for Elmer Otis Wooton used with botanical nomenclature
  • w00t (W-zero-zero-t), a slang term used to express excitement or happiness
  • Woot, a deity of the people of the Kuba Kingdom (in the modern-day Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • w00t, an album by the band Garaj Mahal

Usage examples of "woot".

Eek every wight woot this as wel as I, If gentillesse were planted natureelly Unto a certeyn lynage doun the lyne, Pryvee nor apert, thanne wolde they nevere fyne To doon of gentillesse the faire office, They myghte do no vileynye or vice.

And they hym sworen his axyng, faire and weel, And hym of lordship and of mercy preyde, And he hem graunteth grace, and thus he seyde: "To speke of roial lynage and richesse, Though that she were a queene or a princesse, Ech of you bothe is worthy doutelees To wedden whan tyme is, but nathelees I speke as for my suster Emelye, For whom ye have this strif and jalousye: Ye woot yourself, she may nat wedden two Atones, though ye fighten everemo!

In yow lith al, to do me lyve of deye, But wel I woot the rokkes been aweye!

And Custance han they take anon foot-hoot And in a ship all steerelees, God woot, They han hir set, and biddeth hir lerne saille Out of Surrye agaynward to Ytaille.

For God it woot, that children ofte been Unlyk hir worthy eldres hem bifore.

Me were looth be likned, doutelees, To Muses that men clepe Pierides- Methamorphosios woot what I mene- But nathelees, I recche noght a bene Though I come after hym with hawebake, I speke in prose, and lat him rymes make.

Ye goon to Caunterbury, God yow speede- The blisful martir quite yow youre meede- And wel I woot, as ye goon by the weye, Ye shapen yow to talen and to pleye, For trewely, confort ne myrthe is noon To ride by the weye doumb as stoon, And therfore wol I maken yow disport, As I seyde erst, and doon yow som confort.

Thyne eyen daswen eek, as that me thynketh, And wel I woot, thy breeth ful soure stynketh.

But God it woot, ther may no man embrace As to destreyne a thyng, which that nature Hath natureelly set in a creature.

And therfore, syn I knowe of loves peyne, And woot how soore it kan a man distreyne, As he that hath ben caught ofte in his laas, I yow foryeve al hoolly this trespaas, At requeste of the queene that kneleth heere, And eek of Emelye, my suster deere.