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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Woodsman \Woods"man\, n.; pl. Woodsmen. A woodman; especially, one who lives in the forest.


n. (plural of woodsman English)

Usage examples of "woodsmen".

And for the next hour and a half, on, on they tramped, in Indian file, and almost unbroken silence, making headway with their long, loping steps, notwithstanding the obstructing fallen trees, brushwood, and constantly occurring inequalities of the ground, with a speed which none but practised woodsmen can attain in the forest, and which is scarcely equalled by the fastest foot-travellers on the smooth and beaten highways of the open country.

The rite that woodsmen performed before they felled a redwood and cut it up.

Whandall thought he recognized two of the older workmen as woodsmen he'd seen with Kreeg Miller, but he didn't speak to them.

Everyone rushed out of their seats to look and saw woodsmen carrying axes, farmers with hoes and spades, ragged-looking peasants carting hens and geese.

Farmers, shepherds, woodsmen, led by a fool with some kind of relic gotten from the Crusade.

In every row, men marched in different clothing: tailors, woodsmen, and farmers in their own garb, but with thrown-together mail and helmets they had swiped from Baldwin.

We woodsmen are often compelled to resort to such a course, to take our latitude and bearings.

Then, building up a fire of solid logs, for long burning, the tired woodsmen drew up their bough-pillows towards the entrance of the camp, so as to bring their feet near the fire, closely wrapped their thick blankets around them, lay down, and were soon buried in sound slumber.

With a boy’s sense of such things I knew that the other woodsmen were waiting for him to speak, for they glanced at him expectantly.

And one day, to cap the matter, two woodsmen arrived at Harrodstown with clothes frayed and bodies lean from a long journey.

Presently the other boat was seen coming back with ours, and five strange woodsmen stepped ashore, our men pressing around them.

There was a loud gust of guffaws from the woodsmen, and oaths like whip-cracks from the circle around us, menacing growls as it surged inward and our men turned to face it.

Undaunted woodsmen as they were, they were lukewarm, at first, at the idea of this march through the floods.

Certainly, with all the woodsmen he would have at his command, that would be simple enough.

There's too much area to cover, so use local woodsmen and some of Rastar's cavalry, too, and pass out all the communicators you can scrounge.