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n. 1 A woodworking workshop. 2 A vocational course or class in woodworking.

Woodshop (film)

Woodshop is an independent film written and directed by Peter Coggan that was released on DVD on September 7, 2010. Produced by Colorado-based 42 Productions, the film originally premiered at the University of Colorado ATLAS Institute in Boulder, CO on February 15, 2009.

While in pre-production of a project known as Coda, Pete Coggan came across technological and budgetary issues. Coggan wanted to originally film with a 35mm camera, but was advised to buy the then upcoming Red One camera. Calculating the risk in waiting for its release and experimenting with this new camera for his ambitious science fiction project, Coggan decided to temporarily shelve Coda and make use of the pre-production crew, actors and new technology he had set for it. Over the period of one of weekend, Coggan developed a script from ideas he wrote in high school woodshop class. This became Woodshop, 42 Productions’ first self-produced feature film and one of the first to be shot in ultra-high definition with the Red One camera technology.

Usage examples of "woodshop".

Martin labored in his woodshop, but seemed bent under more weight than that of a 2x4 or a sheet of plywood.

On our best evening, he regaled me with a long account of how Starling had swept into the woodshop, dazzled Master Gindast with her charm and fame, and carried him off for a day in Buckkeep Town.

The farmer was working in his woodshop when Mike walked in and looked up in pleased surprise.

But this morning had found him uprooted from the security of his home, the long-ingrained routines, the surety of his woodshop job and the status accrued in the course of living twenty years within those foreboding walls.

Elhim who stood in the woodshop doorway, trying to discern the subtle features that would distinguish this one from five others who could be his twin.

But for once, even in the wavering light from the woodshop hearth, I had no difficulty.

When the early darkness fell I would retreat to the woodshop that the stubby Vanka had turned over to me while he was building a storehouse at the southern end of the valley.

A straw pallet and two blankets in the corner of the woodshop saved me the long trudge to the cavern.

After working until sunset, I moved to the woodshop and smoothed rough timbers into usable planks until I could not lift the drawknife one more stroke.

Uninterested in Elhim society, I did not return to the cavern, but bedded down in the woodshop, as had been my custom for the past weeks.

The dragons screamed, haunting and dreadful, until I woke shaking in the dark corner of the woodshop and glimpsed a slender figure outlined against the dim glow of the banked fire.

And when I buried my face in the straw-filled mat in the corner of the woodshop late that night, I held the faint hope that I might never wake again.

The end of the vale, where the granaries, the smithy, and the woodshop had stood, was barren.

Turk had built them in his basement woodshop using a design from Audubon.

The wide shutters on the lone woodshop window were open though a trace askew on their hinges, as if the pins were worn down and had not been replaced in years.