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n. 1 (rfv-sense) A wooden box. 2 A box used for the storage of wood, particularly firewood.

Usage examples of "woodbox".

I threw in a few sticks of softwood and a chunk of white birch from the woodbox behind the stove.

I sprang for the woodbox behind the stove, snatched up the big double-bit axe.

I grabbed a block of birch out of the woodbox and hit King on the back of the neck.

He adjusted his breeks, then moved to his knees and reached into the woodbox for a log to feed the fire.

The schoolmaster rose, selected a stick from the woodbox, opened the door of the stove, poked the fire with it, and tossed it in to bum.

He savagely attacked the three ties, chopped them into firewood, and piled them neatly, and then, walking upon his toes, he made a fire in the kitchen stove, filled the woodbox, the teakettle, and the water pail, sat out in the shade until he heard the kettle boiling over on the stove, took another peep in at Val, and then, moving as quietly as he could, proceeded to cook supper for them both.

He dumped his burden into the woodbox and poked several sticks into the stove.

Tyler unloaded her burden into the woodbox by the fireplace, removed her sodden jacket, and waited for Jared to build up the fire.

She set down the woodbox and walked through the side yard into the front.

Next, she stumbled to the woodbox for some choice faggots to interest the pulsing embers in the stove.

In the woodbox behind the stove stood an old muzzle-loader that belonged to the Maltee boys, the stock bound with brass wire to holdan old split in the wood.

Harv went to the woodbox beside the fireplace and removed six bundles, tossing one to each man.

The cenoby kitchen seemed almost familiar, in part, he decided, because Maytera Marble had often mentioned this stove and this woodbox, these cupboards and this larder.

He didn't say nothin, but when I went over to the stove to check on the cabbage - I was makin a boiled dinner that night, I remember like it was yesterday - he got a chunk of rock maple out of the woodbox and whacked me in the small of the back with it.

I tried to think of how we'd gotten from the Junior-Senior Prom at The Samoset Inn to where we were right now, him sittin by the stove and readin the paper in his old patched blue-jeans and dirty thermal undershirt and me standin by the woodbox with murder in my heart, and I couldn't do it.