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The Collaborative International Dictionary
wood sorrel

Oxalis \Ox"a*lis\, n. [L., a kind of sorrel, Gr. 'oxali`s, fr. 'oxy`s sharp, pungent, acid.] (Bot.) A genus of plants, mostly herbs, with acid-tasting trifoliolate or multifoliolate leaves; -- called also wood sorrel.

wood sorrel

alt. 1 A white-flowered woodland plant, (taxlink Oxalis acetosella species noshow=1). 2 Any of several other species of the genus ''Oxalis''. n. 1 A white-flowered woodland plant, (taxlink Oxalis acetosella species noshow=1). 2 Any of several other species of the genus ''Oxalis''.

wood sorrel

n. any plant or flower of the genus Oxalis [syn: oxalis, sorrel]

Usage examples of "wood sorrel".

Mosses and grass added their shades to the verdant mosaic of lush growth and small plants, from oxalis, the cloverlike wood sorrel, to tiny succulents clinging to exposed rock faces.

Above all, there would be wildflowers in dazzling profusion, blossoming from every twig, pushing valiantly through the fertile litter on the forest floor, carpeting every sunny slope and stream bank--trillium and trailing arbutus, Dutchmen's breeches, jack-in-the-pulpit, mandrake, violets, snowy bluets, buttercups and bloodroot, dwarf iris, columbine and wood sorrel, and other cheerful, nodding wonders almost beyond counting.

Everywhere was colour: white-petalled wood anemone tinged with purple, golden celandine, mauve violets, snow-white wood sorrel, and the tall, glorious purple orchid with its black-spotted leaves and petals shaped like winged helms.

And so with the roots of the wood sorrel I treat catarrhs, and with the decoction of althea roots I make plasters for skin diseases.

I compared her shy beauty to the flower of the purple wood sorrel and her pure voice to the song of the mockingbird.