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wood lots

n. (wood lot English)

Usage examples of "wood lots".

Graveled driveways linked the houses and main buildings, and dirt lanes led off up the hill through oaks and pines, probably to the wood lots that supplied firewood for the old-time kilns or possibly even to clay beds on the downslope beyond the rise.

Huts gave way to small cottages and stubble-turned fields set off with split-rail fences, alternating with tree-covered hills-presumably local wood lots.

Outside of scattered trees, all planted near residences, Nathaniel again was reminded how few he had seen, except for a handful of small wood lots, all with trees that had to have been less than fifty years old.

It's all small farms, stone fences, little woods and wood lots, some bigger woods, lots of hills.

She greeted the police with indignant protests against their allowing criminals to clutter Up the wood lots of law-abiding people with their victims and acquaintances.