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wood ducks

n. (wood duck English)

Usage examples of "wood ducks".

You could see pintails, teal, widgeon, both males and females in winter plumage, and there were wild ducks that I had never seen with plumage as delicate and complicated as our wood ducks.

When the wagon finally shuddered into motion an entire flock of wood ducks took off in fright.

He knew only that he was pleasantly tired after walking a dozen miles that day and bringing down a brace of wood ducks for his dinner.

Their more modern counterparts were the genimals, Pigeons and Starlings, Wood Ducks and Sparrows.

Pete never cared for fishing, but as a kid, she used to come down to watch the wood ducks fly in at dusk to nest in the reedy wetlands on the far edge.

Overhead, millions of birds stormed into the sky and sank again to their ponds and thickets: snow geese, wood ducks, grebes, passenger pigeons, mallards, pintails—.