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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wonted \Wont"ed\, a. Accustomed; customary; usual.

Again his wonted weapon proved.

Like an old piece of furniture left alone in its wonted corner.
--Sir W. Scott.

She was wonted to the place, and would not remove.


Wont \Wont\, v. i. [imp. Wont, p. p. Wont, or Wonted; p. pr. & vb. n. Wonting.] To be accustomed or habituated; to be used.

A yearly solemn feast she wont to make.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"accustomed, usual," c.1400, adjectival formation from wont. An unconscious double past participle.


a. usual, customary, habitual, or accustomed.


adj. commonly used or practiced; usual; "his accustomed thoroughness"; "took his customary morning walk"; "his habitual comment"; "with her wonted candor" [syn: accustomed, customary, habitual, wonted(a)]

Usage examples of "wonted".

When the usual festivities had taken place, and the wonted largesses had been distributed, Gunther bade his bride prepare to follow him back to the Rhine with her personal female attendants, who numbered no less than one hundred and sixty-eight.

But the pewees came back at last, and one of them is now on his wonted perch, so near my window that I can hear the click of his bill as he snaps a fly on the wing with the unerring precision a stately Trasteverina shows in the capture of her smaller deer.

May all shie maids at wonted hours Come forth to strew thy tombe with flowers!

As soon as I was alone with Armelline I took her hands and covered them with kisses, begging her to resume her wonted gaiety.

Only yesterday he had been encompassed in the wonted circle of his thoughts, and entirely taken up by two matters: the examination he had just passed, and his approaching entrance into the firm of Tunder and Wilms, shipbuilders, smelters, and machinists.

On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or rests his head upon a rock till morn: Then rises fresh, pursues his wonted game, And if the following day he chance to find A new repast, or an untasted spring, Blesses his stars, and thinks it luxury.

Prince wrapped a Hudson Bay blanket about her with a mock reverence more real than feigned, while Malemute Kid, whose arm she had taken, found it a severe trial to resume his wonted mentorship.

Meanwhile the Knight began to rouze 655 The sparkles of his wonted prowess.

Mr Peevie, one of the very sickerest of all the former sederunts, came to me next morning, in a remonstrating disposition, to enquire what had come over me, and to tell me that every body was much surprised, and many thought it not right of me to break in upon ancient and wonted customs in such a sudden and unconcerted manner.

To this honest grumbling of John, the drunkard, that is the lazy, which make the incapables, joined their cant, and the Vandemonians pulled up with wonted audacity.

He was in his wonted high spirits, and talked with much satisfaction of the acquaintances he had made on the previous day, while Adela waited upon him.

At his wonted hour he rode away, sighingly contrasting pleasant Beechwood with dreary and solitary Luxmore.

Woodseer was at the wonted corner of his back room, on the stool between two tallow candleflames, leather scented strongly, when the wanderer stood before him, in the image of a ball that has done with circling about a stable point.

As soon as I was alone with Armelline I took her hands and covered them with kisses, begging her to resume her wonted gaiety.

As he that striues to stop a suddein flood,And in strong banckes his violence enclose,Forceth it swell aboue his wonted mood,And largely ouerflow the fruitfull plaine,That all the countrey seemes to be a Maine,And the rich furrowes flote, all quite fordonne:The wofull husbandman doth lowd complaine,To see his whole yeares labour lost so soone,For which to God he made so many an idle boone.