n. (alternative form of wone English) vb. (alternative form of wone English)
Usage examples of "wonne".
Lob und Jubel, und dieser schwamm wirklich in einem wahren Meer von Wonne.
For whylome he had bene a doughty Knight,As any one, that liued in his daies,And proued oft in many perillous fight,Of which he grace and glory wonne alwaies,And in all battels bore away the baies.
Perdie Sir knight, said then th'enchaunter bliue,That shall I shortly purchase to your hond:For now the best and noblest knight aliuePrince Arthur is, that wonnes in Faerie lond.
Mongst many which maligne her happy state,There is a mighty man, which wonnes here byThat with most fell despight and deadly hate,Seekes to subuert her Crowne and dignity,And all his powre doth thereunto apply:And her good Knights, of which so braue a bandSerues her, as any Princesse vnder sky,He either spoiles, if they against him stand,Or to his part allures, and bribeth vnder hand.
The seuenth now after death and buriall done,Had charge the tender Orphans of the deadAnd widowes ayd, least they should be vndone:In face of iudgement he their right would plead,Ne ought the powre of mighty men did dreadIn their defence, nor would for gold or feeBe wonne their rightfull causes downe to tread:And when they stood in most necessitee,He did supply their want, and gaue them euer free.
Which when as Blandamour beheld, he sayd,False faitour Scudamour, that hast by slightAnd foule aduantage this good Knight dismayd,A Knight much better then thy selfe behight,Well falles it thee that I am not in plightThis day, to wreake the dammage by thee donne:Such is thy wont, that still when any KnightIs weakned, then thou doest him ouerronne:So hast thou to thy selfe false honour often wonne.
Fame blazed hath, that here in Faery londDo many famous Knightes and Ladies wonne,And many straunge aduentures to be fond,Of which great worth and worship may be wonne.
Soone as Occasion felt her selfe vntyde,Before her sonne could well assoyled bee,She to her vse returnd, and streight defydeBoth Guyon and Pyrrochles: th'one (said shee)Bycause he wonne.