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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ His body was a sculpture of muscled perfection; his expertise in what he did with it had her breathing with wonderment.
▪ It trades in the primal delight which the hills bring; in their clean innocence and the wonderment they inspire.
▪ She'd never be able to gaze in wonderment at any sunset again.
▪ She stood in wonderment, looking through the great glass observation windows into the centre of the complex.
▪ The gap between results and intentions strained his soul, stimulating wonderment.
▪ We gazed in wonderment at the fantastic shape of the small island of Tindholmur as we passed.
▪ What I did not expect was the excitement, and wonderment, with which all this jargon was voiced.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wonderment \Won"der*ment\, n. Surprise; astonishment; a wonderful appearance; a wonder.

All the common sights they view, Their wonderment engage.
--Sir W. Scott.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1530s, from wonder (n.) + -ment.


n. 1 a state, arousal, or thing describable by wonder, strange, awe, surprise, marvel, or astonishment 2 a puzzle or curiosity


n. the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising [syn: wonder, admiration]

Usage examples of "wonderment".

Besides, if he ever deigned to give a thought to me, Versilov was most likely expecting a young boy just out of high school, still a mere adolescent, gaping at the world in wide-eyed wonderment.

I focussed my image--roundabout which, as it persisted, I repeat, the interesting possibilities and the attaching wonderments, not to say the insoluble mysteries, thickened apace.

Farder Coram and Lyra exchanged a look of alarm and wonderment, but only for a second, and then Farder Coram was hobbling out on his sticks as fast as he could manage, with his daemon padding ahead of him.

In great wonderment, and kneeling on the ground for want of a chair, he ate the soup with me, and afterwards seated himself on the bed to hear what I had to say.

After a shower, he will go into the kitchen where Jeanne will be watching television, her spoon poised over a dish of muesli as she stares at the screen with that look of wonderment which always melts him.

All save prostrate Radd Falcontop rushed to the eastern side of the tower to watch, exclaiming in wonderment and morbid speculation.

I discovered, however, had nothing to do with the barnacles, or rather had only peripherally to do with them, and was essentially a rediscovery, a rewakening of my wonderment at the bleak majesty surrounding us.

The most profound thing I discovered, however, had nothing to do with the barnacles, or rather had only peripherally to do with them, and was essentially a rediscovery, a rewakening of my wonderment at the bleak majesty surrounding us.

Sitting, stunned, on his huge horse, half lost inside his armor and polishing his spectacles in wonderment, Prince Rosso of Lomatra was almost overwhelmed by a wave of adoration.

Then, with a smile, he resumed his wak shaking his head at the wonderment of childhood, when every activity is a game and an excuse for happiness.

What he saw astounded him to the point that he stopped dead in his tracks and his mouth gaped in wonderment.

He looked at Josiah Bartram in wonderment as the self-admitted murderer went into the details of his fiendish work.

Here, on a couch of heaped-up, stemless roses, such as might have been prepared for the repose of Titania, Lysia seated herself, while Theos stood gazing at her in fascinated wonderment and gradually increasing masterfulness of passion.

Vaguely bewildered and lost in a dim stupefaction of wonderment, Theos looked upon everything with an odd sense of strained calmness, .

So say the unthinking and foolish--so will they ever say,--and hence it is, that though the fame of Theos Alwyn widens year by year, and his sweet clarion harp of Song rings loud warning, promise, hope, and consolation above the noisy tumult of the whirling age, people listen to him merely in vague wonderment and awe, doubting his prophet utterance, and loth to put away their sin.