WOND (1400 AM) is an American news-talk radio station from Pleasantville, New Jersey, broadcasting to the Atlantic City, New Jersey, radio market. In the 1960s it was a Top 40 radio station, and its morning show was hosted by Bob Weems, one of the area's most well-remembered DJs. The station was home to the long-running Pinky's Corner, hosted by the late Pinky Kravitz. The show has called WOND home for 53 years.
WOND is the leading news-talk station in southern New Jersey. It is one of the Atlantic City market's legacy radio stations, first going on the air in July 1950. , weekday programming on WOND includes The Jim Bohannon Show, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, America in the Morning, The Don Williams Show, Barbara Altman's Front Porch and The Matworld Show hosted by Mat Toenniessen. The station features locally produced news, weather and traffic. Weekend programming includes a mix of local programming like Jim MacMillan's Weekend Journal, The Marc Berman Show, Your Neighborhood Garage, and Fire and Ice. Syndicated programming includes Handel on the Law, In The Garden with Ron Wilson, and The Kim Komando Show.
Jessica Savitch began her career as a teen DJ on a show called Teen Talk in 1962. She used "Wild Weekend" as a theme song. She called herself "Wonda" for a short time. The station also launched the career of Tom Lamaine, long-time radio personality at WIP in Philadelphia and then at KYW-TV.
Usage examples of "wond".
Deze schrik deed haar hart sneller kloppen, en zij wond zich op en meende, dat zij Vincent liefhad, terwille van de nagedachtenis haars vaders liefhad, omdat zij een slachtoffer van de kleingeestigheid der wereld in hem zag, iets ideaals en romanesks.
Zacht wond zij haar arm om zijn hals en het hart brak haar, nu zij hem, zoo groot en sterk, in hare omhelzing hoorde weenen.
At the same time while they wondred at this dreadfull sight one of the Servants came running out of the Seller, and told that all the wine was boyled out of the vessels, as though there had beene some great fire under.
She was wondred at of all, she was praised of all, but she perceived that no King nor Prince, nor any one of the superiour sort did repaire to wooe her.
Her piteous words might not abate his rage,But rudely rending vp his helmet, wouldHaue slaine him straight: but when he sees his age,And hoarie head of Archimago old,His hastie hand he doth amazed hold,And halfe ashamed, wondred at the sight:For the old man well knew he, though vntold,In charmes and magicke to haue wondrous might,Ne euer wont in field, ne in round lists to fight.
The knights there entring, did him reuerence dewAnd wondred at his endlesse exercise,Then as they gan his Librarie to vew,And antique Registers for to auise,There chaunced to the Princes hand to rize,An auncient booke, hight Briton moniments,That of this lands first conquest did deuize,And old diuision into Regiments,Till it reduced was to one mans gouernments.
Yet nathemore his meaning she ared,But wondred much at his so selcouth case,And by his persons secret seemlyhedWell weend, that he had beene some man of place,Before misfortune did his hew deface:That being mou'd with ruth she thus bespake.
Aurelius gan wondren on this cas, And in his herte hadde greet compassioun Of hir and of hir lamentacioun, And of Arveragus, the worthy knyght, That bad hire holden al that she had hight, So looth hym was his wyf sholde breke hir trouthe.
The warlike Elfe much wondred at this tree,So faire and great, that shadowed all the ground,And his broad braunches, laden with rich fee,Did stretch themselues without the vtmost boundOf this great gardin, compast with a mound,Which ouer-hanging, they themselues did steepe,In a blacke flood which flow'd about it round.
Eftsoones all burning with a fresh desire,Of fell reuenge, in their malicious moodThey from them selues gan turne their furious ire,And cruell blades yet steeming with whot bloud,Against those two let driue, as they were wood:Who wondring much at that so sodaine fit,Yet nought dismayd, them stoutly well withstood.
Where, by leaving out a Vowel to save a Syllable, we form so jarring a Sound, and so difficult to utter, that I have often wondred how it could ever obtain.