The Wompkees are a children’s animated program created by Con Fullam and Maura Clarke, and are owned by Wompkee LLC. As of December 2009, two 54 minute movies have been produced in association with Deos Animation, led by Mike DeVitto, and are being distributed internationally by MarVista Entertainment. The first movie was released in 2003, titled A Very Wompkee Christmas. The feature aired in the US on Starz; has been released in more than 40 countries worldwide; and in Latin America, DVD Distributor Tycoon sold more than 70,000 units. The writers of the first feature, Peter Hunziker and Cynthia Riddle ( Nickelodeon's Rugrats, The Wild Thornberrys) reprise their roles in the second feature titled The Hidden Treasure of Wompkee Wood released in 2009. Voice direction was once again provided by Fred Newman ( Who Framed Roger Rabbit). The Wompkees also have a line of plush toys and finger puppets manufactured by Mary Meyer Corporation. Deos Animation and Con Fullam have also collaborated on another children's program titled Ribert and Robert's Wonderworld. The Wompkees are represented by Red Sky Entertainment in NYC.