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n. The state of being wobbly

Usage examples of "wobbliness".

It was tricky work laying out the guidelines on the walls with the yardstick, first the horizontals, moving the stepladder across from left to right three feet at a hop, then the verticals, easy enough at the bottom but flirting more and more dangerously with wobbliness as she drew nearer to the top and was forced to go up on tiptoe.

The wobbliness of the raised catwalk became a slick, slow yawing as the hull moved into and through the swells.

It had a balsa-wood lightness, a wobbliness, uncommonly long-winged, and it came in over the power pylons that stretched through the rice fields and up into the hills and out of sight.

Normally the EB - I C Vampire could climb at over ten thousand feet per minute at gross weight-now she was lucky to get five hundred feet per minute without feeling the sloshing, muddy, unsteady wobbliness of an impending stall.