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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Witling \Wit"ling\, n. [Wit + -ling; cf. G. witzling.] A person who has little wit or understanding; a pretender to wit or smartness.

A beau and witing perished in the forming.

Ye newspaper witlings! ye pert scribbling folks!


n. 1 a person who feigns wit, pretending or aspiring to be witty 2 a person with little wit

Usage examples of "witling".

Conan knew he must sound like a witling, but in this matter, he understood no more than one.

In this guise he stood blinking and winking in the glare of light, and pattering out his excuses with as many bows and scrapes as Sir Peter Witling in the play.

His smell and his softness and his witling ways, every facet of his being annoyed me.

If they were not witlings by nature, they had to be made such lest they escape his control.

Neither were they so few that he needed to keep such utter witlings among their ranks.

He hacked angrily at the point of a wooden spear with her small knife as he muttered something about witlings wasting breath stating the obvious.

Even aside from thy presumption here, in a year thou wouldst be dead, dead as all those purblind witlings who would not see the truth I brought them.

You prefer the solitude which feeds the serious mood which you love, and enables your imagination, unrepressed by the presence of shallow witlings, to evoke its agents from storm and shadow--from deep forest and lonesome lake--to minister to the cravings of an excited heart, and a soaring and ambitious fancy.

You prefer the solitude which feeds the serious mood which you love, and enables your imagination, unrepressed by the presence of shallow witlings, to evoke its agents from storm and shadow--from deep forest and lonesome lake--to minister to the cravings of an excited heart, and a soaring and ambitious fancy.