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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Withstand \With*stand"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Withstood; p. pr. & vb. n. Withstanding.] [AS. wi[eth]standan. See With, prep., and Stand.] To stand against; to oppose; to resist, either with physical or moral force; as, to withstand an attack of troops; to withstand eloquence or arguments.
--Piers Plowman.

I withstood him to the face.
--Gal. ii. 11.

Some village Hampden, that, with dauntless breast. The little tyrant of his fields withstood.


vb. (present participle of withstand English)

Usage examples of "withstanding".

In fact, no one was quite sure where Mangan obtained her mother, a beautifully marked silver tiger-cat: not a useless lap creature but a fine huntress with great long whiskers and almond-shaped green eyes, large ears for listening, long legs for running, and thick fur for withstanding the chill of the castle's stone corridors and floors.

A second later, he had a thin and shining globe of protection raised around himself and the console, withstanding the attacks of the dissidents.

No physical structure was capable of withstanding that starcore temperature.

But then Joshua knew she was capable of withstanding this acceleration, her real test was going to come later.

And he is well served in withstanding the terrible pain of that conflict of two natures by the soft arts of your Spellweavers.

Then he thought of nothing except of withstanding the revulsion, for the length of the next moment and of the next.

It was the humblest home of the valley, a log cabin beaten in dark streaks by the tears of many rains, only its great windows withstanding the storms with the smooth, shining, untouched serenity of glass.

Such were the Sectarians, the Poles, the Circassians rebelling in order to regain their independence, the political prisoners, the Socialists, the strikers condemned for withstanding the authorities.

At fourteen, Gath and Kadie were withstanding the rigors of fatigue better than their mother, but all three were close to the breaking point.

If they had any concept of how the world should be, they would not be withstanding this nightmare transformation of it nearly so well.