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without aim

adv. in an aimless manner; "he wandered around aimlessly" [syn: aimlessly]

Usage examples of "without aim".

After the deaths of her son and husband in such rapid succession, she felt herself a being accidentally forgotten in this world and left without aim or object for her existence.

They had found their quarry after several days where it seemed as though they were wandering without aim.

They had nudged their horses forward and they began to ride them about without aim.

Then she stooped and caught up a clod of earth, letting fly without aim.

His eyes moved slowly and without aim, but for some reason he suddenly fixed them on our faces at the bars.

As it fumbled, it spitseared in fear, without aim or direction, emblazoning the night with igniting gas in a massive burst.

He rushed down the poop stairs mechanically and paced the deck, nodding to himself and going straight before without aim or object till he reached the forecastle.

She began to crawl forward, quite without aim and cruelly hampered by her crinoline, yet it was as if her limbs moved of their own accord.