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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Withy \With"y\, n.; pl. Withies. [OE. withe, wipi, AS. w[=i]?ig a willow, willow twig; akin to G. weide willow, OHG. w[=i]da, Icel. v[=i]?ja, a withy, Sw. vide a willow twig, Dan. vidie a willow, osier, Gr. ?, and probably to L. vitis a vine, viere to plait, Russ. vite. [root]14

  1. Cf. Wine, Withe.] 1. (Bot.) The osier willow ( Salix viminalis). See Osier, n. (a) .

  2. A withe. See Withe, 1.


n. (withy English)

Usage examples of "withies".

Since the wicker rat traps and the cage to carry the ferrets wore out fast, Lael always kept a supply of withies and leather thongs on hand.

As this occurred, the willow withies that trailed like slender rain into the waters of the pool suddenly trembled.

And the women of the Weyr came every spring and fall to berry or cut withies and grasses.

Here all round the boat the withies crowded, there above in the sward lay the pile of heavy pebbles and the fallen stone.

That day Niffa set some of the withies to soak in the washtub whilst Lael inspected the traps and set the broken ones onto the table.

The ferrets, of course, offered their version of help, capturing any thong that moved, chewing on the wet withies, knocking over the traps, and chasing each other around the table.

Most of the walls appeared to be timber or planks or woven withies roughly plastered over and once painted and now faded and peeling.